View Full Version : faint feeling..

12-30-2009, 02:56 AM
Sometimes, mainly when i walk i feel so odd,itsliek a werid sensation that im abut to faint. Like lightheadedness.

Could this be relateed with depersonalization/derealization.

12-30-2009, 06:16 AM
In my case its related to anxiety

that is the worst part of anxiety for me, the rest of it i can deal with

the fear of fainting as i have done it once is the root of mine

i can feel anxious or having a few other symptoms and cope ok, but when i start getting the dizzy feeling like im going to pass out it really puts me into an anxiety attack.

but from what a lot of people describe it is a common feeling with anxiety

12-31-2009, 05:05 PM
With me it all started with horrible case of vertigo symptoms. For about 5 month I would get dizzy daily and all the time. Went to ENT, had tests doen, brain MRI, and vestibular therapy. Once I completed therapy and basically all they could do for me, I began having anxiety, and like the last post mentioned, my worst part of the anxiety attacks are the dizzy feeling, even though I have never completely fainted, it's a terrible feeling and is the trigger of all my other symptoms during an anxiety attack.
I hate it, take meds for it but doesn't seem to help much.
Good luck to you

12-31-2009, 06:36 PM
Thankyou for the replys.

01-01-2010, 03:40 AM
I get that too, but I've always thought it was because I got up too fast.
Like I'll suddenly get up suddenly and I'll feel light headed, dizzy, and things sort of black out for a moment.

01-01-2010, 07:08 AM
I get that too, but I've always thought it was because I got up too fast.
Like I'll suddenly get up suddenly and I'll feel light headed, dizzy, and things sort of black out for a moment.

Hi Poptart

I think your right if you get that feeling when you get up suddenly thats what would more than likely be causing it rather than anxiety

i get that the same as you at times and its not when im in a state of panic or anxiety, just stood up too fast

01-01-2010, 10:43 AM
I get the same sort of feelings to but mine are when i am stood still or sitting at a table mainly,until i came across this forum i very much doubted the doctors that it was anxiety but the more i look around this place i realise now that it maybe.

01-01-2010, 06:44 PM
I also get the dizzy feeling when i stand up. But that never really worried me as, it passed very shortly.

01-05-2010, 01:49 PM
i get a weird feeling in my chest, like an emptiness that freaks me out and makes me feel like i'm going to faint. i tried regulating my breathing but that didn't really help. maybe it has something to do with diet. lack of nutrients. or its anxiety. there are a lot of factors. i dont know what the fix is. but that feeling is terrible. i dont feel like im normal, or in the real world.

01-05-2010, 06:29 PM
thewind05: i have had that before... ITs such a strange feeling,like as you said: if your chest is empty. i havent had it for a while, but i rememeber when i first, i freaked out and also felt like i was going to faint... And then for ages,i was obsessed with my breathing. Until i distracted myself. But i believe i have had the feeling a few times since. But i try not to let it worry me.

Something that helped me was sniffing lavender :)

01-06-2010, 04:03 PM
thank you for the suggestion I will have to give it a try!