View Full Version : Help!!

12-28-2009, 05:43 PM
Im a 20 year old male whose been suffering with a big problem for so long. Bear with me cus im writin this as it comes to me.

I have been sufferin with a problem since i was 15. I have always been acutely afraid of the opposite sex and i always become nervous around girls i like. I fear what people think of me all the time especially at work and with women. Ive never had a girlfriend and only had sex once whilst drunk cus thats the only time i have courage to do so.

My dad suffers from pure ocd and had it pretty bad (even being hospitalised for it when he was younger). I suffered from panic attacks from the age of 15 and i was scared that my body was damaged or i might have to go to hospital for something. After this i didnt have panic attacks often but i would get scared bout many things. After watchin a film called constantine i became terrified that i might be haunted by the devil. I knew this not to be totally tru but it still scared me. Im an athiest now but every now and again i can get scared that this might still happen. I get nervous about how many hours i get to sleep for and i occasionally have problems gettin to sleep, although this used to be a big problem for me. When times were really bad i used to hear background noises at night like a plane travelling overhead or the sound of rain even when there wasnt any.*

Today i cant seem to muster the courage to get a girlfriend for fear of not performing sexually or not knowing what to do with one. I still fear the devil occasionally and im worried about what others think about me. Im worried about killing myself from smoking or drinkin or that a doctor will say im untreatable and will have to go to hospital.

Whats wrong with me? I need your help, ive never been diagnosed or gone to see my GP.

01-17-2010, 05:10 PM
hi i can relate the whole girl thing as i am the same also some film trigger my thoughts spiraling

personally i think the best thing you can do is go to a GP tell him everything honesty is the best policy where this is concerned and request to give councilling my personal counselor/mental health worker is actually called a "primary mental health care practitioner" i have only just started seeing her and already have noticed that it helps knowing you have someone to talk to and who wont judge you so its worth giving a go

sorry i cant be of more help but i'm still learning to deal with anxiety symptoms myself :)