View Full Version : can,t catch a good deep breath

12-25-2009, 02:44 PM
Is this anxiety ? Or astma...It takkes me about 3min's to get the good breath, but only after pacing up and down sayin omg i cant breath...but i am deep breathin all the time. When i do get it, its a little wheezy but that soon clears.

merry xmas all xxxxxxx

12-27-2009, 06:03 AM
I have asthma and I also have anxiety. I have to do this all the time. When this happens are you thinking about breathing? I always think I am going to stop breathing and when I think about it to long I start to get this way..
Do you yawn a lot just to get a deep breath and then find yourself yawning every minute?
Also sometimes after breathing like this you could make yourself wheeze. Do you wheeze when you are not feeling this way? If so then it could be asthma also.

Hope Ive helped!

12-27-2009, 04:27 PM
thanks for replying.

Yes I yawn a lot...no i dont wheeze all the time,

12-27-2009, 04:30 PM
I have asthma and I also have anxiety. I have to do this all the time. When this happens are you thinking about breathing? I always think I am going to stop breathing and when I think about it to long I start to get this way..
Do you yawn a lot just to get a deep breath and then find yourself yawning every minute?
Also sometimes after breathing like this you could make yourself wheeze. Do you wheeze when you are not feeling this way? If so then it could be asthma also.

Hope Ive helped!
I only do the deep breathing after eating, or sitting doing nothing, or driving...I do yawn to get th breath, and yes sometimes wheeze after. Wheezing is not an everyday thing for me.... I think as a smoker i could have boarder line astmha? But its deep breathing that worrys the life outta me

12-28-2009, 08:56 AM
sounds like you might be hyperventilating. I used to get that, doctor told me its to do with the flight or fight response to danger. if the brain thinks there is something wrong, it speeds up your breathing, in preparation to either have a FIGHT or run away (flight). when we suffer anxiety, the brain is thinking somethings wrong, so it triggers this response. It can't do you any harm. try google-ing some breathing techniques, these really do help

12-28-2009, 03:28 PM
Thanks xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

01-17-2010, 08:15 AM
Friend. You can catch a good deep breath it just doesn't feel like you are. Trust me. If anything you have too much oxygen in your body from the Anxiety. Just bear in mind that once your body has started the "Anxiety Cycle" Your chest tightens up ever so slightly. it doesn't actually affect your breathing... Just the sensation of your breathing. You're ok buddy!

*edit by Mod: removed spam

Peace everyone
Hope to see you soon
Alski K

01-17-2010, 08:21 AM
Thanks I will take a look :shock: :shock: 8)

01-31-2010, 03:12 PM
i get this all the time...infact i have it now the more i try to get a deep breath the worse it gets it feels like there is some thing blocking the diaphram and i find it hard to believe its all down to anxiety xx

02-01-2010, 09:13 AM
Me too, I have it today as well.

02-01-2010, 12:12 PM
does anyone have it constantly...its very scaryi know i can breathe then all of a sudden i panic cos i feel constricted around the stomach area/diaphram to take a good deep breath...im scared i have cancer

02-01-2010, 01:09 PM
I have this at least 5 times a week, sometimes i pace the house at night constantly taking a deep breath, when i dont feel i have taken enough air for that satisfied breath i panic, the reason the stomach muscles get tight because we are constantly deep breathing....i used to visit the doctor, i gave up ecause he just says anxiety....i was ment to have an endoscopy but got there freaked out and would not go in...

02-01-2010, 01:14 PM
i just took my little boy to his first karate lesson..i was doing ok then the room started to spin..i got black dots in my eyes and it felt like someone was crushing my skull then come the breathless patteren id just like to be a normal mummy :( xx

02-01-2010, 01:21 PM
are you in the UK, can you go to a & E ? I went to st peters and they did a blood test for my oxygen levels a few months ago and a chest xray, all was ok

Have you eaten today? maybe have some thing light to eat. drink some juice or water. Try not to drink any tea, and if you smoke dont smoke for a few hours.

I find i get worst when out as i am out of my comfort zone.

I get it in doors too but find i control it better at home.

02-01-2010, 01:22 PM
I know mine come with stress.

Its the getting a grip on it that does me in.

I have to admit, I smoke, I dont eat sometimes during the day, then have a meal at night.
i drink a lot of tea. and i am always rushing about.

02-01-2010, 01:23 PM
i've been to a&e loads of times ive had lung funtion tests all fine oxygen levels are perfect..ive had heart traces all fine i guess it was cos i was out of my comfort zone and it was a new place

02-01-2010, 02:19 PM
OK... you know about the smoking. That can be tough but obviously it makes asthma worse. You'll be so much better off in so many ways after you quit.

You can get into a vicious cycle with asthma and anxiety - one making the other worse.

The emotional freedom technique has helped a lot of people and might be able to help you break that cycle. I think Gary Craig is retiring and maybe shutting down his website soon but others will continue to teach the technique. I think you can still get free instructions if you google EFT or go to emofree

02-02-2010, 08:41 AM
this is the only one this thats truly worrying me andi guess the more i worry about it the worse its getting...i know i can breathe normally its just the deep breathing i have issues with i just wish it would go away

02-10-2010, 04:58 AM
I have the breathing problem too I wish you could choose your anxiety symptom (I'd choose the one that makes you not want to eat - I could do with losing a few kilos :D ). I've been through similar tests to you it is very scary. I find mindfulness and exercise have helped me a lot but it has taken 6 months before I am having good days with it. Hopefully I will start to have more good days than bad days eventually.
Take care Ant