View Full Version : strange pains and anger

12-23-2009, 03:11 PM
hi all, just wondered if anybody else suffering anxiety gets weird twitching of the eyelids and pains in the hands? anybody know what causes it? also, I keep losing my temper really easily and getting angry for the slightest of reasons. can anxiety cause this? anyone?

12-26-2009, 11:52 PM
Yeah, I've been known to get that eyelid twitching in the past. Aches and pains as well...I believe alot of these types of things can be attributed to adrenaline.

I lose my temper easily as well, when my anxiety is very high, I am always on edge and VERY irritable. I feel awful for my boyfriend as he is usually the one who takes the brunt of it! But yes, being quick to anger and irritability is a very common side effect pf anxiety.

02-12-2010, 06:11 PM
Yes, I have the same problem. My eyelid, area between my thumb and forefinger, and on rare occasions, between my big toe and 2nd to biggest toe will twitch. I think it's stress related. annoying as hell! Chest pain and headaches when Angry instead of Anxious, I think the emotions are interchangable.

02-14-2010, 04:47 PM
Yeah I get the twitching sometimes, eyelids and thumb as well as foot from time to time as well.

I find that when I feel anxious I am snappy with people and loose my temper quicker as well. I think its because your already on edge and so quicker to fire up.