View Full Version : can this be anxiety?

12-22-2009, 06:39 AM
I have suffered from anxiety for sometime now. I had a throat infection about 1 month ago. they gave me amoxicillin that messed up my stomach and it took me about 3 weeks to get over the effects of the meds. Anyway, i was convinced i had stomach cancer. I know, it sounds stupid but i am also a hypochondriac and blow everything out of proportion. Anyway, as my stomach was getting better I had huge anxiety over my stomach. I kept thinking out "what if" my stomach reverts back to the diahhria and colic tomorrow or the next day. Anyway, thought about this all day everyday and one night i woke up in a cold sweat. Now that freaked me out even more. I've had a cold sweat before but only when i was sick with a cold or a fever. the last cold sweat was probably about 2 years ago, and like i said that was related to having a cold or a fever. anyway, now i am scared about that cold sweat. Now i am starting to think i have lymphoma and other illnesses (i hate my mind thinking these things but i cant help it). Anyway, my gf says waking up sweaty could have been anxiety, related to me stressing over my stomach. this happened on tuesday night and then wednesday i was stressing over the sweating that my stomach wasn't even on my mind, come to think of it my stomach has been back to 100%. anyway, wednesday night i went to bed stressing over the sweating and i remember being scared to fall asleep because i didnt want to wake up in a cold sweat but we started watching seinfeld and i fell asleep and woke up fine. but thursday i was still stressing this and woke up in the middle of the night with my collar a little damp and my back a bit clammy. last night i saw avatar (great movie by the way, if you watch it do so in 3d) and when we got home i just fell asleep and woke up today fine. after this long novel that i just wrote my question is this.... I know sweating is related to anxiety but does that include night sweats? is it possible that my mind kept racing and maybe i had a bad dream about this that that caused my night sweats, i dont remember any bad dreams just waking up like at 3 am with my shirt sweaty to the point that i had to change. My gf thinks i'm crazy that i am going from stomach cancer to lymphoma. she reminds me that not to long ago my stomach was my main concern and now that im consumed with something else my stomach is fine. I know night sweats could be a symptom of anything from lymphoma (which scares me even though i don't have any other symptom of this) to just being too hot or a bad dream. If you all have read all this blabbering then i am grateful and would appreciate some feedback. Thanks guys and sorry about the length of this.

p.s. I have woken up this way about 3 times in the past week. 2 nights my shirt were just damp at the collar but it still scared me. just thought i should add this. also, the three nights this happened, happened after an intense workout. I finished working out at about 8pm and fell asleep around 12:30am. the nights i haven't workout out i have woken up fine. also my face feels a little hot throughout the day at times but i never have a fever. I really don't know what to think.

12-26-2009, 04:45 PM
Good grief this describes me to a "t".

My anxiety started with a throat/lymph node infection. Since then, I have stressed about just about every illness you could have.

I have had a really stressful week, and on Christmas eve my son came down with a high fever which stressed me out very bad. I had a horrid anxiety attack where I was just vibrating in bed.
When I was finally able to fall asleep I woke up in a thick daze and was completely soaked with sweat. I was so tired I immediately passed back out and when I woke up hours later I will still wet and freezing cold.

Last night wasn't as bad, still overly sweaty but not "soaked". I noticed all day today I have been having hot flashes. My hubby says he thinks it is stress and anxiety..but that seems strange to me. I would love to hear others opinion on this.

12-30-2009, 05:55 PM
Hi there,

I am new to this site and have found that it has really helped relieve some of my anxiety, so thankyou all.

I was reading your post about your night sweats and although I have not experianced them I think the pattern is the same. You say that at first you were concerned about your stomach and then as soon as you had a new symptom you became obsesssed with it and now you stomach is fine and it is all about your sweats!

For me the pattern has been the same. I had my first panic attack about 2 months ago now, and it was all about my heart! It was pounding, I was shaking, felt like I couldnt take a breath etc...the worst experiance of my life, I called 999. they came and told me I was having a panic attack, took my blood presure and said I was fine. After this instance I was not reasured as all i could think about was my chest, and I started to get allot of chest/brast/left arm pain and was alsways thinking about my heart. Finally the next time I had a panic attack was over a small rash and I went to A&E, they did a ECG and a chest Xray and told me my heart was absouloutly fine. After this I started to feel okay and any pain I got I put down to anxiety.

Anyway now I have a new concern which is my head....I banged it...not even very hard but now all of my concern has left my heart and is now is related to my head. I no longer have chest pains but have headachs and tingles in my head, especially when I am thinking about it.

As for you I think it is the same pattern, you have lost the concern of your stomach and now are worried about the reasons behind your sweats, so all of your concentration is on monitiring them therefore having more enhanced feelings, the same with me from my heart to head!

What I think is, if I carry on this way I actually will drive myself crazy. I know I will go doctors about my headachs just to be sure, but it may only be a matter of time before Im woried about something else. Im hoping if I find out my head tingles are fine I will be able to put anxiety behind me....hopefully!

Anxiety is a really hard thing to deal with and can push away family and freinds, some dont get it and its so hard to put across how much it is affecting your life, its in my head most of the time now and is driving me crazy...I find that putting in my ipod and listening to music really helps and I let my thoughts imagine me dancing. But it is still very hard.

You HAVE to keep telling yourself that it is anxiety but I know it is not as easy as saying it......I now wake up feeling fine but im scared that throughout the day it will creap in so although I feel fine with no symptoms beacause I am worrying they will come it is on my mind so the symptoms do come...especially my head tingles which are sometime the left temple and sometimes the right or a burning sensation to top of scalp!

Any reply would be gratefull

Stay strong!