View Full Version : Anxiety - a technique to beat an attack for adults

12-21-2009, 02:44 AM
I've suffered anxiety for 2 years now and I believe I suffer as bad as is humanly possible. I get it all, the tight throat, difficulty breathing, dizzyness, extreme fear, heart palpitations, trouble concentrating, confusion and the good ol' certainty that I am about to die. I don't react well to medication and for me the only thing that gives me releif is valium, and I only take it when it's absolutely necessary. Sometimes I go weeks with nothing at all, some weeks I'll have one every day. I've done cognitive behaviour therapy, councelling........By accident I've discovered a way to get my mind back on track and I know it may seem controversial and I hope we can all just be mature about it. I know first hand how horrible a bad attack can be and if this advice helps a few people then it should be known. So, well, um...porn. Yep that's right. If I start getting worked up, can't breathe properly, trouble swallowing, lightheaded - I just look at some porn and it's such a distraction that my brain forgets what it was worrying about. It works almost all of the time. I'm not suggesting you masturbate, for me just looking for a few minutes is all I need to get back on track. Obviously this treatment is only something you can do at home or possibly elsewhere if you keep some porn on your phone or ipod, but I'll leave the logistics of that up to you. I don't know if this would work for women, we men have one track brains when it comes to naked women (or men if you like) and I think that's why it works. Anyways, I hope this helps some people. Please don't bother complaining to me if you think I'm being dirty. It's just advice and if it goes against your moral code then don't do it.

12-21-2009, 05:54 AM
It's not really the porn that is helping with your anxiety. Rather, it is the distraction that it provides you with. SO much of the time, anxiety disorder is kept alive by worry about the condition and its symptoms. This creates even more worry, which keeps you locked in the cycle. If, on the other hand, you can stop worrying, you slowly break the habit of worrying. And this is THE key to recovery from anxiety disorder. Every second you spend NOT thinking about anxiety disorder is a second that you spend in recovery. And if porn is that one thing that REALLY keeps your mind off anxiety disorder, then so be it.

12-23-2009, 11:27 AM
it sounds like a distraction can be achieved in other ways as well. Sure, porn is one way, sports and other activities can do the same thing for you. I will tell you I road bike and its the best distraction and stress reliever I have found = and good for your health- may burn a few more calories than that porn thing.
good luck