View Full Version : Anybody need a chat buddy?

12-19-2009, 07:23 PM
I know it would help me. My aim is girlof1000waves.

02-15-2010, 08:44 AM
I would like someone to chat to. i try to talk to my husband but i think hes getting sick of me going on about how shitty i feel all the time.

02-15-2010, 12:50 PM
HI tinkerbell

Happy to have a chat to you and maybe past on some tips thats may help .
I had anxiety which started about october 2008 , today i would say that it is about a little bit higher than any normal person .

I did it with no drugs and just changing my life style and thinking so it can be done

PM me if you like
cheers kev :D

02-15-2010, 12:55 PM
id also love someone to talk to...just to know im not going throw it alone

02-15-2010, 01:15 PM
Hi tinkerbell_11

I am happy to help all i can .
If you want you can post any questions here and i say see if i can give you some answers based on what i went though Or PM me if you like

cheers kev

02-15-2010, 03:14 PM
just a quick question for me...i have breathing issues ive posted before..about feeling the need to take a deep satsifiying breath...cos i do it so much is it possble to pull chest muscles or muscletenson because of this?

02-15-2010, 07:56 PM
Hi tinkerbell_11 :D

Do you meditate and do deep breathing ? If not you should as it will train you to do it automatic . Also you dont get reflux do you ??

See anxiety is all about what the subconscious has learnt to do that it should not have , you need to retrain that part of the brain. This is where fear comes from , its not that we are scared of things but we have train that part of the brain to see it as danger and when it sees it as danger it starts the flight and fight response .

The pain in your chest i would say is nothing more than tension , we all hold our stress in different parts , for some it might be the jaw from crunching their teeth , other might be headaches from neck muscles , i am guessing you hold yours in your shoulders and chest . I was like this also but don't get it often now . Remember that the chest is the biggest muscle group so if you hold your stress there it will hurt , buzz , sting etc

cheers kev :D

02-16-2010, 03:40 AM
thank you forwells....there was i a time when they did think i had acid reflux but i dont think it is i think that was just a i had a symptom googled it an pretty much told the dr thats what it was...i wish i knew wot was wrong witth me its hard to except everything is just anxiety...

02-16-2010, 06:05 AM
I get the same problem with breathing, to the point that i NEVER feel like i am getting a deep enough breath!!!
If anybody with the same symptoms wants a chat buddy, or to add me on F/b, just send me a PM.

02-16-2010, 07:14 AM
I am a 33 yo female, in a happy relationship, self employed in a job I enjoy. I have suffered with OCD for as long as I can remember and have always been an extremely anxious, over-sensitive person. My main problem at present (and for some years) is crippling guilt and fear that i have done something wrong. Every week it is something new but the current trend is that I have said or done something horrendous that will be found out and I will lose everyone I love.
I went out at the weekend for my fiances birthday and had a lot to drink. because my memory of the evening is fuzzy I am convinced that I said something awful to someone - something truly wierd. I would never hurt anybody but I am regularly convinced I have done so. I think I may have told someone's secret or said something digusting and that I will get in huge trouble for it. because of this I am in a constant state of anxiety waiting for the worst to happen. it used to be medical fear (I was convinced for years I had AIDS with no basis for this whatsoever). I will find a message for me in everything - lines of a song, a book and be sure it is a personal message of warning to me. Today i am still haunted by the night out - sure that I blurted out something strange. My fiance tells me otherwise - i just can't believe him. Is this really just in my head? Does anyone suffer from this exact same thing?
I cannot eat or concentrate and cancelled two meetings today because I cannot bear to go out of the front door. I feel so low and scared and want to burst into tears all the time.
9 months ago my doctor described anti-depressents. I came off them as I felt worse, completely spaced out. I am undergoing CBT but this doesn't seem to help. I know from experience that the fear passes but each time I just think "this will be the time it's real - this will be the time you have really messed your life up". I become convinced I have cheated on my fiance or that I have done something bad and blocked it out. My poor fiance can't reassure me - he tries - but he can't understamnd how I feel as he is so laid back. Does anyone else experience this type of obssesive thought and anxiety/guilt? :(

02-16-2010, 08:01 PM
read and listen
cheers :D