View Full Version : Anxiety after RBD Sleep Episode

12-16-2009, 03:40 AM
Hi, this is my first post, and I really just need help, but can't really afford to go to a doctor. (I know I should, but my husband and I really don't have the money right now)

I'm a little at wit's end and feel slightly silly, but really need to do something. The start of my problem is that I suffer from RBD sleep disorder (I act out my dreams in my sleep - and dream very lucidly - also, I am a 26/f so shouldn't even have rbd but that's another story). About a month ago, I had a particularly bad dream where I thought I was going to die due to something/someone being in our condo. (in case of those not familiar with RBD, in that moment, I really, truly thought I could have died) My husband woke me up, but I didn't know it was a dream immediately, and while nothing bad really happened, I can't seem to get over it. I now have quite a hard time getting to sleep unless I have my husband stay up a little after I go to bed, and I keep a small light on in the room. If I wake up at night, it takes a lot of effort to get back to sleep because I can't help but lay there in the dark and worry over every noise I hear in the night. I'm aware that thinking about every noise I hear in the night makes it worse for myself, but I don't know how to make myself stop; every time I try to be reasonable inside my head, it doesn't work. I hate to wake my husband up because I feel it unfair, and he is a person that prefers to sleep in the pitch black, but I think he also thinks it's silly (that I have such anxiety over "just a dream"). I don't know what to do, but I need to do something. I'd like to avoid having to go to a doctor, and was hoping that maybe there is some sort of technique or anything I can do.


12-19-2009, 06:42 AM
Try sleeping with some sort of noise in the room to cover up little noises. A radio playing soothing music or sound tapes, or maybe just a fan running on your nightstand. I don't know if it will help but it is worth trying. I hope you can get some sleep.