View Full Version : Stomach cancer? please help im begging

12-15-2009, 03:38 PM
Hi im scared i have stomach cancer or something serious

I have a constant ache in my lower back and the last few days ive had nausea and stomach cramps, it feels like i need to go to the toilet all the time. Im not sure if its constipation tho?

I have checked symptoms for stomach cancer, the pains, nausea, feeling unwell and difficulty swallowing, i have it all.

I am on 40mg citalopram and 10mg 3 times a day of propanalol, I stopped taking the propanalol and im thinking should i start taking it again?

Im getting more scared that im going to die, and i am worried i wont see christmas.

Ps got a doctors appointment 2mo.

12-15-2009, 03:47 PM
hi, if it helps, I suffer back pain if I stand in one place for too long or walk a long way. I've had blood tests for all kinds of weird pains in my back, ribs, stomach etc. and all the tests came back ok. my doctor said its just anxiety. He said when we suffer anxiety. the body is hypersensitive and any niggle or pain we would normally get, the brain would ignore, but because the brain is on HIGH ALERT, it picks up on any little pain what so ever. hope this helps! hope all goes well for you at docs.

12-15-2009, 04:33 PM
Hi Gaz,

Where abouts is your pain in the back? Mine only started a few weeks ago, and this stomach cramp thing is weird aswell.

Where abouts in England are you?x

12-16-2009, 01:40 AM

I think if you had stomach cancer you would notice blood etc in your stool

you have done the right thing though if you are worried about it by going to the doctors to rule it out

12-16-2009, 06:57 AM
I have gone through the same thing you are going through at the moment. You have conviced yourself of something that isnt there. i have done this loads of time conviced myself i am going to die. The tablets your on will help. Then the symptoms you feel will go away. And the doctor told me to stop going on the internet to diagnose yourself, it doesn't help it makes you worse. Speeking from exsperiance i know how you are feeling.