View Full Version : finding it hard

12-15-2009, 03:31 PM
Hi all, I've suffered anxiety for about 3 years which started with a panic attack which came from nowhere. I suffer chest pains, headaches, dizziness, pains in left arm and throat, eye and muscle twitching, tingling in the face, the lot, EVERY day. I have sort of learnt to live with it to be honest. But, lately, I'm finding it very hard dealing with depersonalisation and night terrors (including sleep paralysis). I take diazepam (valium) for when the DP gets really bad on an as needed basis and drink a few beers most nights to calm down and get to sleep, wrong I know, but its the only thing. I'm feeling very low at the moment, struggle to see light at the end of the tunnel sometimes. I don't know anybody else who suffers Depersonalisation, I hate it, its awful, everyday I feel faint, like I'm gonna pass out. I dring a lot of lucozade and coke worrying my blood sugar levels are too low etc. my doc trying to get me on citrolapram, but I feel unsure, have enough sleep problems as it is! anybody suffer these things? anyone tried citrolapram? any things i should avoid? I would appreciate any advice! thanks

12-16-2009, 07:04 AM
i am on them tablets and have been for 3 years. They helped me a great deal. i got to the point where i could not cope with nothing, i thought i was going insane. Try the tablets the side affects you get with them will only last a few days and the other tablets you are on will help with them. But honest give them a go they worked for me.

12-17-2009, 11:49 AM
Thanks for the reply. I keep looking at the side effects of them, but I suppose they are worth trying. I think I'm also a bit scared of getting addicted to them or something