View Full Version : HELP!!!

12-14-2009, 04:20 PM
Where to start, i have been suffering with anxiety for years now. About 3 years ago i had a full on break down i conviced myself i was dying and nothing no one told me could stop it. I was put on Citropram and was on them for around 3 years. I desided it was time to come off them and i have come off them now . i dont no if i did this to soon but i thought i was loosing the person i am.
Well in may my antie died at the age of 38, now me being me im 35 and im not far from her age, i am now conviced i have the same thing she had... She had a blood clot on her brain and just dies. Then in november my dad dies suddley to of cancer. I feel myself falling back to how i was 3 years ago and it is frightening me. I'm worried i am going to die and nothing i do or say to myself changes this. I feel like i need to back on my tablets, but to go to the doctor or tell my family this will be hard. I know i have been through alot this year but. I keep getting sharp pains in my head and face, my shoulder gives me so much pain, and i get tingling almost like pins and needles from head to toe, like goose pumps. I grind my teeth in my sleep, my other half tells me its that loud it wakes him. I feel like im slipping again and i can't hold on.
Like i said i have suffered with anxiety for many year but only plucked up the corage 3 years ago to go and see the doctor, i dont think i had much choice the state i was in. I know deep down what it is but i have conviced myself of the other. i would just like a bit of advice on what to do, or if it is the anxiety and not something eles.

12-14-2009, 11:51 PM
Hi! You are perfectly normal. You should not discontinue psychiatric medications abruptly. You must consult a psychiatrist to change or stop psychiatric medications. Just continue taking your prescribed medication and attend some meditation sessions or spiritual discourses. God is with you and peace will be with you.

12-16-2009, 11:06 AM
I agree with pr...never discontinue your medications with out the help of a doctor! I think you need to go to talk to a therapist and let them know what is going on. The longer you go without help the harder it becomes to break the cycle. I know the thought of going to a doctor is not high on your list but they are there to help. Sometimes just talking is enough to make you feel better. But my advice would be to not sit around and think about falling back down the hill again, instead make yourself go see someone who can help.

Best of Luck.

12-19-2009, 06:34 AM
Have you made the appointment with your doctor yet to get advice on stopping the meds and what you can expect?

Having a loved one pass naturally brings about fears of our own mortality. It doesn't take much for me to convince myself I have a disease and am dying, personally I find going to the doctor and getting it checked out the best course of action. At the very least I get properly educated on the subject and it helps to ease the anxiety. It's still there, but it is easier to remind yourself that the problem isn't there and your worrying over nothing.

12-22-2009, 09:38 PM
From your post it sounds like you might be ashamed to go to your doctor or tell your family about your anxiety. Please don't feel ashamed about how you feel and what your going through. There is absolutely no reason to feel ashamed or disappointed with yourself. If your body and mind need medication or therapy or both, then give it that until you don't need it anymore.
I personally was very ashamed about my anxiety/depression/OCD for many years. I thought I was going crazy and that I was going to die. Ive been using medication for awhile now and have also been using meditation to help me be more aware of what I'm experiencing. I've totally been able to turn my life around with these two things and now I know that I should never be ashamed of how I feel. These darker times are just as much a part of who I am as the good stuff...being happy and laughing, etc.
Please email me if you want and ill give you a simple meditation that you can try.

12-23-2009, 03:19 AM
it's not that i am ashamed of how i am. Every body know the way i am how much i worry about things. What it is, my mom said i should come off my tablets the last time, she thought i had been on them long enough and the fact that i was putting on weight, she thought that was a good enough reason to come off them. i dont want to upset anyone by telling them that the doctor has now put me back on my meds, And with what people are going through, i feel this is something i should deal with myself. I feel like i have let people down with the fact that i have not got better and that i have to go back on the medication. I feel that they will be dissapointed in me. My mom isnt very understanding things have to be about her and i find it hard to say no to her, believe me i have been to classes to help with this but i still cant do it. What she dont no wont hurt her. I have to take my meds it makes me deal with things better, i feel i can cope with things alot better when i am on them. So i think i should just keep it to myself. the way i feel and the thoughts i get i tend to keep to myself has i think people get bored of hearing them, i have been like i am since i was a child. May have something to do with my up bringing.

12-23-2009, 07:59 PM
I feel I share a very similar problem with you , my dad died at age 46 and every since I turned 40 I started worrying it was my fate to. My dad died of a heart attack in his sleep but I remember he'd never go to the doctor as my mom requested so it seems all I do is constantly bug my doctor about any strange feeling I may get like chest ache of shoulder aches , back aches , needle feelings or prickly feelings in my arm, extreme fear of I may be having these feelings because I am about to have a heart attack so I am constantly at the doctors and I think they want to ignore me but they still allow me to get tested and when they come out good I still have it in the back of my head well maybe tomorrow it will be different and these things had a bad effect on my last marriage . That marriage ended in divorce and soon after I sought professional counseling and with that and medication I am much better now at the age of 52 but I still get anxiety about 2 or 3 times a year and sometimes go a year with none at all. I am married again to an understanding wife that I explained my problem well before we got serious and she has been actually crucial to my staying strong mentally. I do have a question does your anxiety come or worsen around the time of year ? Well anyways I am glad I am not the only one out there who goes thru this.