View Full Version : Anxiety, Chest Pain & Back Ache.

12-14-2009, 09:24 AM
I have a constant pain in my chest, It like a Weird pain that you cant describe, it feels like its right in my heart and im gong to have heart attack.

I also keep getting lower back ache, when i stand up for ages? I get pains in the arms, shoulders. It feels like im gonna have a heart attack and die.

Im so scared im gonna die before xmas, I dont want to. I keep panicking about it and I think that is making it worse.

I feel a bit unwell in gerneral aswell.

Is this anxiety or have I got cancer or something??

01-05-2010, 02:13 PM
i get a weird pain too, sometimes my heart feels hallow and that im going to fall over, and sometimes, most of the time it feels like its straining, like its going to break and i try breathing techniques and it doesnt help at all. its an intense feeling. but usually my heart problems are caused by my thoughts. if it occurs out of nowhere maybe its stress, or something like lack of nutrients/oxygen. im not too sure.

01-05-2010, 11:12 PM
hey xgemma06x don't get confused more with your own thought.. onver and over of it...here are specification for anxiety...
Anxiety is a generalized mood condition that occurs without an identifiable triggering stimulus. As such, it is distinguished from fear, which occurs in the presence of an observed threat. Additionally, fear is related to the specific behaviors of escape and avoidance, whereas anxiety is the result of threats that are perceived to be uncontrollable or unavoidable.
Another view is that anxiety is "a future-oriented mood state in which one is ready or prepared to attempt to cope with upcoming negative events" suggesting that it is a distinction between future vs. present dangers that divides anxiety and fear.

Anxiety is considered to be a normal reaction to stress. It may help a person to deal with a difficult situation, for example at work or at school, by prompting one to cope with it. When anxiety becomes excessive, it may fall under the classification of an anxiety disorder

so my only suggestion here is just go to the some good doc and get the the proper treatment or understanding regarding to that.....hope get well soon...!

01-09-2010, 08:20 AM
I hate having anxiety, the chest thing is what freaks me out the most, for me i get a sort of cold sensation in my breast bone and sometimes in my shoulders. course all this worries me and so makes the anxiety much worse. The trouble with anxiety is that it mimics other illnesses, which i find the hardest thing of all. I mean, if you break your leg, you know you have broken your leg cos your leg hurts, but with anxiety it doesn't seem to have symptoms of its own but copies everything else. :shock:

01-09-2010, 04:43 PM
That is so true wingman never quite looked at it that way till you said it, horrible thing is that every symptom you get you think you are dying. at the moment its my heart im worried about as i keep getting flutters and palps.Iv had an ECG and blood tests which have come back normal so the Doc has to keep reasurring me its just anxiety.

01-12-2010, 03:34 PM
Im exactly the same its all to do with the chest pains for me. It started last June after a stressful start to 2009! Had a good couple of months where I thought it was gone but recently come back. Seems to make it worse with my constant worrying over their being a medical reason why Im getting these chest pains. Probably only makes it worse! Been to docs and had blood tests and ECG like you. But keep thinking to myself are these tests showing everything...could there be any other tests that can be done to put my mind more at rest!

01-14-2010, 08:45 AM
One thing that I have learned is that real heart problems rarely ever manifest pain in your heart. This is the case with many internal organs. If you actually have pain in your heart or just below it (where my pain usually is), it's most likely associated with stress and anxiety.

This doesn't mean you shouldn't get checked out by your doctor to make sure. But if you are given a clean bill of health you have nothing to fear. And once you stop fearing the pain the stress associated with that fear will ease, thus easing the pain.

01-19-2010, 08:37 PM
It's reassuring, in a bad way, that many people fight this like me. I had my 1st panic attack last summer with a trip to the ER. EKG was fine, blood too. I started to see a CSW for therapy last fall. With my anxiety it all came back to tightness in my chest on my left side. I have it right now as I type this. I'm on a daily xanax xr pill and that's helped but I still get the pains. I went to a heart doctor and had all the tests, EKG, sonogram, stress test, 24 hr ekg...all was fine. It's just so had to reassure urself that your heart is fine and you wont have a heart attack.

01-19-2010, 08:52 PM
It's reassuring, in a bad way, that many people fight this like me. I had my 1st panic attack last summer with a trip to the ER. EKG was fine, blood too. I started to see a CSW for therapy last fall. With my anxiety it all came back to tightness in my chest on my left side. I have it right now as I type this. I'm on a daily xanax xr pill and that's helped but I still get the pains. I went to a heart doctor and had all the tests, EKG, sonogram, stress test, 24 hr ekg...all was fine. It's just so had to reassure urself that your heart is fine and you wont have a heart attack.

Hey, I can turn any symptom either real or imagined into something serious. I make some connections between things that dont really even make sense!

As for the heart pain, I have had it but generally I dont feel too concernced about it. Most people dont really even know exactly where thair heart is and the they just imagine the pain to be there! Another thing I have found is sometimes the pain is actually a spasm in the tiny muscles between your ribs. Try leaning away from the side and taking a couple of deep breaths and it should go away!