View Full Version : Anxiety and chest pain

12-13-2009, 01:04 PM

So I've been diagnosed with anxiety for the past 5 years or so. But most days I get heart palpatations and chest pain. The chest pain is the most scarey part.

Some days I get dull pains, other days really sharp pains that last about 2 seconds. Other times it's little niggles.

Ive had heart tests done and nothing. But then you read online about chest pain and your mind races. And as the anxiety snowball grows everything gets worse.

I notice the sharp acute pains usually happen when I lie down. Anyone had anything similar, be nice to talk.

12-13-2009, 02:28 PM
Hi JJ,

I have been suffering the same chest pains as yourself in recent months, I have suffered from anxiety about my heart for the past 8-9 months, ive had the chest pains, left arm and left leg numbness and chest tightness. like you, ive had all the tests and ive been assured there is nothing wrong with me. yep, lying down or sitting down seems to bring them on. if im tired the symptoms are much more prominent. i think that getting over the fear of something being wrong is the key, repeating what the doctor says in your head...
so hard to maintain tho

Zee Deveel
12-19-2009, 05:34 PM
I just started browsing here 'cause I have the same problems.

I'm 90% sure it's anxiety, I still have that 10% of fear... The 10% however is enough to make my life a misery for the time being. However I've had a bunch of tests done and I'm going to the cardiologist on Thursday to get my results. If he tells me the tests came up with nothing then that's it... No more fear at all.

If you've had several extensive tests done and nothing has been found then you've gotta trust the doctors. You can't live your life in fear.

Anxiety causes chest pain, you suffer from anxiety, the tests show there is nothing wrong with your heart. It's time to start living your life now!

12-20-2009, 05:51 PM
Yes same here. Chest pain, heart skips beats, and thoat/chest feels tight and cant breathe sometimes. My attacks almost always happen at work and can last for hours. Do your problems last this long too?
Sometimes I wake up in the morning and can tell if it's going to be one of "those" days. I hate it, but try to force myself to relax and keep my mind busy so it doesn't get out of control. That helps.

Don't worry. You are not alone!!

12-31-2009, 03:49 AM
Yes same here. Chest pain, heart skips beats, and thoat/chest feels tight and cant breathe sometimes. My attacks almost always happen at work and can last for hours. Do your problems last this long too?
Sometimes I wake up in the morning and can tell if it's going to be one of "those" days. I hate it, but try to force myself to relax and keep my mind busy so it doesn't get out of control. That helps.

Don't worry. You are not alone!!

Yes, chest pain is not necessarily a symptom of panic attacks, but very often is, which is why so many people suffering panic attacks end up in the emergency room. Chest pain from panic attacks is located over the heart and is described as “sharp.” It increases with breathing in and out, and doesn’t usually last more than a few minutes.

Deep breathing and relaxation exercises, switching the focus of thoughts to humorous or pleasant events or ideas, doing math problems or counting can all draw your attention away from the chest pain and other symptoms of panic attack, usually within a few minutes.

So, JJ, don’t worry about both panic attacks and chest pain caused by panic attacks. They can be treated pretty effectively. If the chest pain is connected, then it should reduce or even go away as well. If a panic attack and chest pain link can safely be established, then you need to treat only one condition. If not, you’ll have to address them both. Make sure to tell your doctors all the medications you are taking. This will be helpful in getting the best care that you deserve. Good luck

12-31-2009, 05:29 AM
I sympathise with you.... I think i'm in denial of having anxiety at all.. but i'm coming to the realisation that perhaps it is. I always worry i'm having a heart attack and am going to die... (i'm 36) (am i being anxious about being anxious???) my personal story is of extreme head aches.. (does anxiety cause these?) pain down my left arm and chest with shooting pains in the middle... nausea, dizzyness and list goes on... I've been to emergency 3 times over the past 3 or so years, recently had numerous blood tests done... I'm at my wits end and don't really know what to do... I'm going crazy!!! (still think I'm gunna have a h.attack) i should believe the dr.s.. shouldn't I??? sorry, i'm dribbling on a bit here.. but feels better to write it down. :roll: anyone have any good sites or info would be great...