View Full Version : I'm not sure what's wrong with me

12-13-2009, 09:50 AM
lately things have gotten so messed up. i'm happy. really happy. after a long string of horrible relationships and living with my abusive father everything is finally ok. i'm married to a great guy and my father is in jail. the issue is i seem to be having horrible anxiety. despite being really happy i am extremely stressed. i go to college full time and work 2 jobs as well as interning at an accounting firm. between homework, day stresses i have become overwhelmed. bills and general every half the time i cant sleep at night and the other half i sleep for hours and hours but still wake up tired. this causes me to drink a lot of caffeine during the day (coffee, pop, energy drinks) and then take sleeping pills at night. the headaches cause me to eat aspirin like candy and my eating habits have become so bad that i have to take vitamins just to stay relatively healthy. i am also horribly afriad of heights for no reason i can find. i can even go up a step latter with out having a panic attack. when i panic i cant breathe, my heart races, my body becomes numb and tingly, and i get really dizzy. it also happens when i speak in front of people, when im in large crowds, sometimes when i drive and especially when i think about my father and other things in my past. its gotten so bad that ive had to be hospitalized. over the summer i was diagnosed with stomach ulcers as a product of so much stress. my husband is becoming really worried about me and has even threatened to make me move back home and take a year off school which i dont want. im not sure what to do and currently i do not have health insurance. im worried that it might keep getting worse. im not sure what i should do.

12-13-2009, 09:29 PM
It sounds to me like you have a lot on your plate at the moment between jobs and college and anything else, not eating properly will definatly not help you at all

maybe your husband might be right in saying that you need time away from it all, not eating and all your commitments will no doubt take a toll on your mind and body