12-11-2009, 01:09 PM
Does anybody have symptoms of anxiety quite frequintly throughout the day? I get them constantly im always worrying about something ever since i had a full blown attack which was hell its kinda of stuck with me now like a constant feeling that i need to check myself. I get twitches quite frequinty and my eye lid twitches multiple times a day i was just wondering if anybody got these sympotoms all the time or just whenever there having an attack?


12-11-2009, 02:33 PM

I get them all through the day, the last two weeks have been hell for me, full blown symptoms 24/7. Even on a good day I will get the twitches, eye switches, pain etc etc .....

12-12-2009, 04:49 AM
Yes the feeling is 24/7 for me rather than any single fullblown attacks, I feel worse outside or if I'm forced to be around someone I live with but I never return to baseline. I just worry about too many things. I'm getting constant chest pains at the moment, small but they are there.

12-14-2009, 11:38 AM

I feel the symptoms of anxiety generally all of the time, in particular the lightheadedness and a tight band around my head. It gets worse when I am in the supermarket, taking and fetching my daughter from school and when at my parents house (this is where I had my first ever panic attack) Also the evening seems to be worse for me, I don't know why.

But yes, I spend most of my time either feeling anxious or worrying that
I will become anxious and so I feel pretty crappy all the time. Not good when you have 2 small children. :(

12-14-2009, 04:30 PM
I get the symptoms all the time. I wake up in the morning wishing i don't but i do. I get thoughts in my head then it all starts and has the day goes on and i worry more and more it gets worse.
The best thing i did 3 years ago when i got it really bad, was to talk to someone about it. It makes it easyer to deal with honest. Don't try and deal with it by yourself.

12-15-2009, 03:38 AM
Mine is constant throughout the day. I struggle to breathe.
The only time i am comfortable is if im asleep, because then i can breathe normally!!

12-15-2009, 04:34 AM
I'm starting to forget what it feels like to be relaxed. Even when I have a good day, there is still some underlying level of anxiety.

I get the muscle twitches too. Most days I can't close my eyes because my eyelids twitch profusely. I know I am having a good day when I can keep my eyes closed comfortably.

I do find that meditation & exercise helps to keep the tension/muscle twitches under control.

12-15-2009, 10:57 AM
thanks guys for the replys its nice to know that im not the only one that feel like crap all the time

12-17-2009, 01:05 PM
After I got over panic attacks and grasped what they were i no longer have them. But i do get anxiety several times a day, like you said having to check your self. Its very irritating especially as I cant pin point why. I just have a feeling somthing bad maygoing ti happen. I find that keeping myself busy and focusing on the happy and positive things in life helps. its does take time and practise KEY WORD try and take a bit of time each day to focus on good things. I have relaxation discs whic help me great now after 10 months of practising i MAKE time each day. try it or do what i do and have counselling i find it helps me get everything off my mind ;)