View Full Version : Stiff / crackling neck ?

12-09-2009, 03:15 PM
My neck is constantly stiff and if I move it around I feel and hear it all crackling.

Anyone else get this please ?

Sorry I probably sound really paranoid but it's been bothering me for a while and I'm not sure if it's a stress/anxiety symptom or no as I have so many other symptoms that I'm trying to get my head around :oops:

12-12-2009, 08:59 AM
Hi Mishka,

Woah! I have spent the last few months noticing a clicking/cracking noise when I move my head left and right or up and down. If it doesn't crack then I get this sort of crunchy, grinding noise. I thought I was going mad! :lol: Nice to know I'm not the only one.

The really freaky bit is that the crack happens near the join between my neck and skull so it's like the cracking noise is in my brain.

It's clearly cracking joints in my neck, just like when your knee cracks or something. Maybe being stressed and anxious is making me stiff and making this more likely.


12-12-2009, 06:58 PM
Its perfectly normal, i think its only air or fluid between your joints

Hence when your anxious your stressed your back muscles tighten up then pull down on your neck muscles which probably pulls your joints a bit closer together.

remember the old song that goes something like " your knee bone is connected to your thigh bone your thigh bone is connected to your hip bone" lol etc etc , well the muscles are all the same and connect to each other, once one set is tight it will pull on the other joing set as well

might neck cracks all the time and even did before i suffered anxiety