View Full Version : I think I need to move out of my house

12-08-2009, 06:00 AM
I can't handle living with other people, people I didn't already know before we moved in. I think I've always suffered a bit of social anxiety and at the moment during this current bout of anxiety have some bigtime agoraphobia, though it stretches to me feeling just as bad in the communal areas of the house as I do outside.

I feel so unsafe in this house. In september I was robbed and beaten up because the door had been left unlocked. In the last couple of days I have discovered the door unlocked in the middle of the night twice. My room is on the ground floor and I already jump when I hear the door.

I thought I was lonely when I lived alone but at least I felt safe and that my home was a sancturary. I dont feel like that here, I hate the place, I just stay in my room all the time and sleep or watch TV, terrified of having to come out to see or speak to anyone. I need my own space.

If I leave though, as well as the hassle of moving I will have to either keep paying for this room until my contract is up or find someone to replace me. As well as finding a place that doesn't discriminate against someone stuck on benefits due to being sick.

12-09-2009, 02:46 PM
Hey Stainboy,

Sounds really bad. I wouldn't want to live like that either.

Can you get the landlord to put a self-latching lock on the front door so you always have to use the key to get in?


12-12-2009, 04:46 AM
After the robbery she agreed to pay for it if we had it done but that wouldn't be enough to make me want to stay here. The damage has been done and I've discovered that living with strangers makes my condition much worse.

I just spent a while hiding in one of the toilets until someone was finished in the shower next door, and then the bathroom so I didn't accidently bump into them in the landing. If I'm in the kitchen and hear movement upstairs I RUN to my room, I spilt hot water on my hand doing that a few nights ago.