View Full Version : There's definitely is hope for us all!

12-07-2009, 04:50 PM
Hi all,

You guys probably don't remember me. Which is a good thing because that means I haven't been posting. Which also translates to me not needing this website as I have been able to function normally without anxiety and its effects playing a huge role in my daily life.

This past summer was brutal. I mean brutal. Just thinking about the hell I went through sends shivers down my spine. I often think "what if it happens again, and worse?" But that's completely irrational. I think if anything were to happen like that again, I would be able to deal with it better.

Lets see,

When I initially signed up here i was dealing with very irrational thoughts which made me very anxious as well as; depression on and off, feelings of derealization and depersonalization (which I hated the most)...I often fixate on my bodily functions and question if things are real or not. I am OCD, that probably doesn't help.


I am writing this with all that behind me. However, It did leave a scar and I still think about it from time to time. But, I am living my life, doing things I enjoy and not letting my anxiety get the best of me. I've worked hard for where I am now. Everyone finds their own ways to cope and deal with things. You need to realize that you can't live your life this way and you have to do something about it. Life is too short to be anxious and depressed!

I am still on Cipralex. I told my doctor that I didn't need it and he has decided to keep me on it just in case. Plus, i don't have any side effects from it so I'm taking it daily as an added precaution.

During times of extreme anxiety when you are at your lowest just remember...there's a light at the end of the tunnel (sounds sort of gay, but it's true)

Although I don't consider myself to have completely recovered 100 percent; I am able to live my life and feel normal again. Now... time to start getting back into my gym routine.
