View Full Version : Almost there - one last problem

Weeze Begs
12-07-2009, 03:51 PM
I originally joined this site in July at the peak of my Anxiety.
I have been seeing a pyshciatrist and taking fluoxetine. I am still doing both but not seeing the Dr as often.
Like all other posts by other members, I had 100's of symptoms and was too convinced that I am dying from all these terrible illnesess and couldn't be left in the house on my own and my Mum had to move in to help me to look after my 2 children

Well 5 months later I am so much better, they symptoms have reduced to the fact that I feel almost "back to my old self"

I have 2 hurdles left...the easy one, going to do the weekly shop on my own, which I am now thinking of doing.

My biggest thing, is the panic attacks (more like bad sensations rather than a full panic attack) that I am still having to do with dying, evoloution, end of the world, life after death etc etc.....you get the theme. My 5yrs old even started talking to me about dinosaurs and I couldn't cope with that !!

I don't talk to anyone about this as I feel silly to do so, I have spoken about it a few times to my Pyschiatrst but he just confirms that it is a common anxiety fear of dying..............please tell me I am not alone

12-07-2009, 04:29 PM
Hey Weeze,

Keep taking those baby steps to getting better. Get yourself out there and keep battling. :D
