12-06-2009, 04:28 PM
Hi i'm Stuart, I'm 26 and I have been having symptoms of anxiety for about a month. It started after i done damage to my fibrous tissue, two nights later i woke up in the middle of the night and i was sweating and had trouble breathing. i woke my mum up and she told me i was having a panic attack. I managed to calm down and went to the doctors the next morning and told her everything, she checked me over and said that it wasn't a heart attack nor was it heart realated. a week later i was shopping and came over all dizzy and couldn't stop rapid breathing, again another panic attack, straight to the doctors again, this time a ecg was done, no heart attack and no heart problem, ever since then i have being getting chest twinges, and feel like my hearts going to stop and i have to force myself to breathe. went to the doctors last week and told her about these problems, so she is going to send me for a treadmill test on my heart. Still no help with my anxiety. has this happened to anyone, doctors ignoring anxiety? anyway thank you for reading.