View Full Version : Iam feeling bad

12-05-2009, 11:05 PM
iam diagnosed with GAD, been taking cipralex for 3 years and helped me to live like normal where actually i started to think iam now ok and should stop the med. but lately i started to wake up tired and get tired especially after eating meals and nausea. the doc put me on buspar 30 mg. i started with 10 mg i take afternoon after meal but when i take it the next day i wakeup with nervousness and trembling hands and feeling not well being with tension in muscle face. is this a side effect or my anxiety is doing this?
why after 3 years being well i suddenly relapsed and went back to the starting point!! ?

12-05-2009, 11:57 PM
It's hard to say for sure what is up. But it sure sounds to me like the SSRI has 'pooped out'. It is not uncommon for your body to build a tolerance to antidepressants after a few years of use. When this sort of thing happens, you have a couple of options. You could try a different medication. Or you could try to treat your anxiety disorder by nonpharmaceutical means, like CBT. The second option is DEFINITELY the better one. After all, you would probably rather be well than reliant on medication. And even if you don't mind being on long-term medication and find another pill that works, chances are you are going to run into the exact same problem with the new medication some time down the road.