View Full Version : feeling sick

12-05-2009, 09:19 PM
Hello all again....

I am just wondering if anyone experiences a very sick feeling when they are suffering anxiety. I'm talking sick like...if you've every seen or read a clockwork orange....that sick feeling alex talks about, like you would rather die. It comes to me as a strong feeling I often associate with the worst part of a flu. I feel alot too like I am "about" to erupt. Recently I have this feeling all the time like I might have an episode. I am beginning to fall back into a state of being worried that something is wrong with my health. I feel hot and am flushed a lot, and have terrible indigestion and can feel my heart beating, even if not fast, like it is beating real strong. Another new feeling is this sort of nerve?? sensation that is the most scary. The other night i was laying in bed and I started having these sensations...like nerves firing...I can hardly explain it, but certain areas become too sensitive, like when you hit your funny bone, although not painful. Mostly in my legs and stomach. I've had "butterflies" before but these are hard to deal with. This with the sick feeling and I start feeling like I might be really sick or something. I am getting very depressed too, usually after an episode....

Something else that bothers me is that I hear people talk frequently about something triggering their attacks....Mine are more like the symptoms triggering a bigger reaction. For example, I'll feel anxious all day and then by the end these nerve sensations happen and my heart goes crazy and I have a panic attack... I don't see any triggers....I am real happy...and I go to the mall with my wife and bam, sick feeling, like I have the flu and weird nerve sensations and this feeling makes me want to run away!

How do you guys deal with this?