View Full Version : Feel slow in the head, drunk... people are noticing

Captain Deep Breath
12-02-2009, 10:26 AM
Man i am sick of this anxiety. Anyone else feel extremely zoned out often? Like you're in a bubble? I also hate it when there are too many people around me talking at once. I feel slow and drunk and if i could keep my headphones on all day i would. I also have trouble speaking over the phone because of my anxiety i'll start stuttering etc. When i wake up in the morning, i'm completely fine though! Do i need meds?

I need to get a grip, I rarely excercise and i'm thinking this could help. Running for 30 minutes per day or something, anyone?

12-02-2009, 06:36 PM
Sounds a bit like depersonalization. I've had that before, and it feels like you constantly have to put on an act so that people around you don't realise there is something wrong with you. I haven't experienced it in a while, but I think this symptom is reasonably common (and scary).

Yes, I’ve found that exercise is definitely the best remedy for this sort of thing. Go for a swim, do some mountain biking, or something like that. I would opt for some exercise that is a little more 'exhilarating' than plain old jogging. Personally, I ‘snapped out’ of depersonalization (though I still get derealization) when I done some downhill mountain biking. I think it was a combination of cardio exercise and natural adrenalin release that helped. But then again… maybe it was a coincidence and I just got lucky.

But in general, walking or jogging for 30mins a day is such an easy thing to do. I would definitely recommend it.

Don't drink caffiene. I tried this when I had depersonalization and it made it much worse.

Captain Deep Breath
12-03-2009, 05:59 AM
Thanks for the response... what exactly is the difference between depersonalization and derealization?