View Full Version : I can't take this anymore

12-02-2009, 07:35 AM
I have important time sensitive things to sort out that I can't do anything about because they involve going outside or using the phone.

My only close friend in town believes if she leaves me alone and refuses to help me then I will eventually sort these things out on my own as I'm just being stubborn.

I live with other people, people I didn't know until they moved in. THIS IS NOT HELPING ME AT ALL. They make being in my house feel as scary as being outside. I hate it so much but I can't leave, I have signed a tenancy until July. Unless I get kicked out I suppose for not paying my rent which I can't do because of one of the problems I need to sort out, a problem I didn't cause in the first place.

I can't even kill myself as I have nothing I could possibly do it with

12-02-2009, 07:08 PM
I can't take it anymore either. And yet somehow I always do.

When I have a shit day/week like this, I just look forward to the next good day. It's all we can do. The only way out is through.

12-02-2009, 10:48 PM
Oh no!

Like Niq said...there's been many times I myself have thought "I just can't do this anymore" but with time, it always fades. Sometimes I think it can be frustrating because people in our lives don't really understand, and while they think they're being supportive - they really aren't! Even if you're surrounded by people anxiety can be so lonely and scary.

I've been in the same situation, living with people. Unless I'm living with a boyfriend or very close friend - I am unbelievably neurotic!! When I was 20 (im 25 now) I lived with 3 boys who I didn't know that well, and I swear I barely left my room. It got to the point I would hear people come home, and I would turn off the light in my room, and just lay in my bed, pretending I wasn't home. The whole time I lived there I never ONCE ate a meal with them, or would even go into the rest of the house if they were home. It was a nightmare! The thing is...it wasn't that way forever. All these awful situations we struggle through are only temporary - even if it doesnt seem that way!

12-02-2009, 11:49 PM
I'm doing that now, my room is on the ground floor so I always hear people in the living room and kitchen which are both next to me. I've grown to HATE the sound one of my housemate's shrill laughter, which the other night I woke up to hear at midnight :/ It was a terrible mistake to do this, one I won't make again. I was better off on my own even though I was lonely. I know everyone has housemate issues but it really sets you back when you're already feeling so bad. Because I have no confidence I'm letting people 10 years younger than me walk all over me out of risk of upsetting them otherwise.