View Full Version : how to get rid of aniextey...it makes sense.

12-01-2009, 08:26 PM
Hi ,

Iv always been a little anxious, but few months back i had a panic attack while having my hair cut..after that i ok..then i sufferd to more attack a month later for no apprant reason...i was droped home by a friend and was literal on the brink of sending myself to a mad house...some of my symptons was liek somthing of a fantasy. i coudnt sleep for days...i was going bed at 10am in the morning and waking at 2pm and then i was up again... i was laying in my bed with 1000 thing rushing through my head a second and hot flushes and electric sensation pulshing up and down my body. i was in hospital twice witheen 3 days and was told to go see my gp...anyway i started to search the net and came across a lot of stuff...then i came acroos a method called THE LINDEN METHOD stating it can cure my problems...then i noticed that i had to pay and i automaticly thought this just another scam or what not. I got so desprate that i downloaded the method pack from a website..had a long listen and read about what this guy has to say...everythin this guy says make complete sense. i am not here to try and get you to buy this guys product because to be honest it does nothing better for my life...im am just her to give u some help and advice...i followed this guys method for a few months ( not as accruate has he would have liked ) and last week i registerd myself as cured. but ever since my football team lost 3 - 0 the other i seem to have became anxious again lol... i cant quite work out y ...well i do know why its because i get irritional thoughts about life which make me anixious..but tis is a new and very minor sympton that i AM going to deal with.

please people just check this guy out on youtube or somthing...and i signed up to this forum cos i wanna chat to people and relate to them...serious i have the most irritional thoughts that you could ever imagen so i dont care how mad or crazy your symptons sound im pretty sure i can relate...to them..

All the best..


12-02-2009, 04:11 AM
I've never tried it, always been abit sceptical because I've bought a couple of these things in the past and they weren't much help. But it might be worth having it in my collection, it has meditations and things in it right? I used to get panic attacks but thankfully beat those and haven't had one for about 4 years, but still getting the general anxiety, driving distances/car sick, anticipatory anxiety (this is the one I struggle with now) so I'm not sure how much help he'll be for me?

12-12-2009, 07:41 PM
Hello ajhenderson, the Linden method is actually compromised of relaxation tapes, along with other mental strategies..

however the focal point of the linden method is that you can overcome your fears/anxiety thru exposure to them.. its just another form of erp with some relaxation tapes in a nutshell..and its more for overcoming panic attacks then ocd itself.. I am not discrediting it.. its a good coping tool.

12-13-2009, 05:30 AM
Hello ajhenderson, the Linden method is actually compromised of relaxation tapes, along with other mental strategies..

however the focal point of the linden method is that you can overcome your fears/anxiety thru exposure to them.. its just another form of erp with some relaxation tapes in a nutshell..and its more for overcoming panic attacks then ocd itself.. I am not discrediting it.. its a good coping tool.

It's also nothing that you can't get either for free or for MUCH less from other sources.