View Full Version : ughhh frustrated.

11-29-2009, 10:43 AM
Well i've been doing good for so long and i keep getting litttle bumpss in the road. especially after going out with guys they are such jerks and treat me like crap for being a classy girl and all. it raised my anxiety to such a point that i feel helpless and nauseous since last night. i'm so emotionally tired. i have no idea what to do to get rid of this. ive had anxiety for like 2 years now and i have had it under control and now i feel like i lost all control. help :(

11-29-2009, 11:16 AM
Well i've been doing good for so long and i keep getting litttle bumpss in the road. especially after going out with guys they are such jerks and treat me like crap for being a classy girl and all. it raised my anxiety to such a point that i feel helpless and nauseous since last night. i'm so emotionally tired. i have no idea what to do to get rid of this. ive had anxiety for like 2 years now and i have had it under control and now i feel like i lost all control. help :(

Just try and tell urself ur not gonna let it come back, you need a nice relaxing bath and a good nights sleep.. try talking to someone in person about whats goin on and dnt let a MAN ever get you down.. i no its so easy for people to say this because i suffer from anxiety hope u feel better soon :)