View Full Version : Anxiety Is Getting To Me

11-28-2009, 05:49 PM

I'm new on here, i'v read all the symptoms of anxiety, and i have a lot of them but one that really worries me is the heart pounding, i seem to get it all the time, like it wont go away, i always wake up with it, and it seems to be there till i go to sleep. Does anyone else get it like that?? I also get chest pains sometimes. I'm finding it very hard to deal with.

11-28-2009, 10:33 PM
hello there, if u haven't already maybe u should go see ur doctor... even to put ur mind at rest that it isn't anything else. i have had heart palpitations before but only during an anxiety attack... not lasting as long urs by no means.

11-29-2009, 02:18 AM
I went to the doctors 2 days ago and he said my heart and lungs sound fine and he did an ecg, and said that it was the best one he's see all week. Said it was fine.....i dunno what to do it freaks me out so bad, sometimes i don't have it, like earlier i didnt have it, it seems to be worse in the mornings.

11-30-2009, 12:20 AM
hello again, happy to hear u have seen a doctor and ruled out any heart problems. i guess all i can advise is learn all u can about anxiety and coping techniques. I read about it from anxiety sites and then i pick up info from the helpful people on this forum.... some things do relieve it a bit. i do feel for u.. i used to hate getting those palpitations... i think it's because when the anxiety kicks in adrenalin is flowing thru ur body at a great rate, causing the palpitations ....

http://www.anxietycoach.com/overcoming- ... tacks.html (http://www.anxietycoach.com/overcoming-panic-attacks.html)

above is a link to a site that i found helpful.

it all does work out in the end... and the anxiety does lessen.

i wish you well,


11-30-2009, 02:58 AM

Thank you very much for the support, i went to the doctors today, and he diagnosed me with GAD and aggrophobia (flying) and i happen to be travelling to the UK in 10 days for 12 months, and he said more than likely it will all get better when i get over there (hopefully lol praying it does) He put me on Lexapro....and im scared to take it....side effects and whatever else. I'm having a counselling session in 2 days(for CBT), and im thinking of taking something natural, and not taking the medication. I'm not a big fan of medication at all. I will defenatley look at that site, i'm still learning a breathing exercise at the moment, and i'm going to start with some meditation, i'd really like to try see it through without medication. Thank you again for the help and support.

11-30-2009, 09:46 PM
hey jess,

sounds like to me you are doing all you can. i admire that. i liked the docs advice to about when the flying trip is over the anxiety will prob calm itself down.

i'm not one for medications either so am doing all i can to not even go there, but i do understand that they are a great help to some people.

you hand in there... and never ever ever give up...

before u know it, you will be able to help others with all that u are learning about coping with anxiety...

i wish you peace,


12-02-2009, 09:20 AM
I used to have the problem with the racing heart, much the same way as you do. That has gone now. Perhaps try Beta Blockers and Vitamin B?!