View Full Version : Is anyone from the bristol area?

11-28-2009, 06:04 AM
Okay so i was thinking and thought it would be an idear if anyone is from around bristol area we could all meet up and share our problems of anxiety, ive never met anyone before with the same condition as me (depersonlization), if anyone thinks this would be a good idear please let me no. Sarah :D

11-28-2009, 11:42 AM
im about an hour away in exeter.. trouble is, travelling on trains and meeting new people are fairly high on my anxiety list.. :/

11-29-2009, 11:12 AM
im about an hour away in exeter.. trouble is, travelling on trains and meeting new people are fairly high on my anxiety list.. :/

Awwh i no how u feel im the same i wont travel out of bristol and meeting new people is very hard but im trying to not let it take over my life and im trying to stay in control :)

12-02-2009, 10:25 AM
I live in Swindon.

12-02-2009, 03:43 PM
well see how i am by january.. im on the vitamin/amino blitz.. if i can get the wife to hold me hand on the train it could be nice day out, i like bristol.. maybe superkoz is well enough to get to bristol from swindon as well..

went to swindon once.. the beehive.. cracking little pub.. :D

12-11-2009, 02:52 PM
[quote="Sarahharvey1989"]Okay so i was thinking and thought it would be an idear if anyone is from around bristol area we could all meet up and share our problems of anxiety, ive never met anyone before with the same condition as me (depersonlization), if anyone thinks this would be a good idear please let me no. Sarah :D[/quote hiya im from weston and have had bad anxiety on and off for well over 10 years and still looking for ways to help

12-14-2009, 11:40 AM
I am from Swindon too.

12-18-2009, 10:28 PM
I used to live in Bristol...
I had general anxiety and panic attacks...
I can recomment the Priory there, I had a course of CBT and it really helped, although its expensive. Also The most helpful doctor I have seen was in Bristol, in the health centre just off Gloucester/Cheltenham Road, think its Stokes Croft.

I would say it might be helpful to meet others in the same circumstance, but at the same time what I found was that discussing it with others, is a form of seeking reassurance - somehting I learnt feeds anxiety. I overcame anxiety, and I felt the key to my progress was to realise that anxiety was only there when I was concious of it. i.e. if you're thinking about be anxious you will be. I learnt to break the chain of thinking about my anxiety and the symptoms slowly faded away.

I've just started writing a website to tell people about my experience and how I overcame it. If you're intersted have a look, the address is listed in my profile.

12-18-2009, 10:30 PM
i forgot to mention i also suffered with derealisation and depersonalisation a lot. The doctor I mentioned put me on fluoxetine (prozac) and it definitely took the edge off it and helped me learn to control the anxiety myself. When the anxiety goes so does the derealisation in my experience.

Zee Deveel
12-19-2009, 05:29 PM
Hey Sarah, this is kinda random. I saw your post here and thought I better make an account to reply. I'm from Bristol and a derealization sufferer too.

If you wanna chat feel free to MSN or Facebook me!

Josh Ekins or josh_ekins@ hotmail . com