View Full Version : hi im new & really need some help

11-27-2009, 08:33 AM
I know a few people have posted about Anti depressants on here but im so convinced im the worst in the world and reallly need some reassurance.

I have been taking Citalopram for 12 days now for panic attacks. Since taking them my anxiety has increased and im scared to leave the house & am convinced i am going to die! :( It's 24/7
I've felt sick, dizzy, tired all the time but cannot sleep, when i do sleep i wake up in a state of panic throughout the night, when i wake in a morning my whole body is fuzzy and tingly. I cant even explain the feeling, its the worst thing ever. I can barely motivate myself to get up off the couch. I keep crying every 5 minutes and i know i'm driving my family mad even though they are trying their best to be supportive. I feel so breathless and get pains in my back and chest. Been to the doctors and he said my lungs are clear. Ive got no appetite and have lost a stone in 3 weeks.
Finally broke down and he has put me on Diazepam 5mg 3 times a day to help me just function while these Citalopram kick in.
These seem to have calmed me down slightly but i just feel like there is no light at the end of the tunnel. Even on my good moments im thinking bad things, like 'what about when it comes back' or 'am i going to be trapped in these 4 walls forever'. I am only 21 and live alone with my 18 month old daughter, and i just want to be 'me' again. To take her on days out, to beable to just play with her without constant worry.
I have a fantastic supportive family, i'm having person centred councilling & i have Cognitive Behavioural Therapy booked for 11th Jan (about 7weeks away), but i just feel so alone and don't know what to do.
Is there anyone else who feels this bad or am i beyond help?

Any reply would be fantastic,
Thank you in advance
Kara x

11-30-2009, 02:21 PM
Hi Kara

My anxiety started 2 years ago. I still have problem with anxiety and panic disorder. I also a hypocondriac because I worry that I have illness. Last year was the worst year of my life. I felt same symptoms as you do. I use to cry a lot for no apparent reason. Try to calm yourself, I know it is easier said than done. But we really need to calm ourselves. I really would like to recommend you to CBT. Do not worry, I know you are feeling bad right now....but you will be amaze how much our body can take. You are getting these symptoms because you are thinking too much and scaring your self all the time. Stop scaring yourself. It is going to take some time....but you will conquer your anxiety. PANIC AWAY is a good book to read. BEST OF LUCK...