View Full Version : Somethings wrong but dont know what it is?

11-26-2009, 05:15 PM
I've been off the forums for a while now, which in itself is an indicator of how bizarre my anxiety can be. I am not on any kind of medication, but I can go for pretty long periods with absolutely zero anxiety. Then, suddenly it will come back with a vengeance.

So anyways, this is a strange one: for a while now I've had numerous "reasons" to worry, yknow girlfriend, health all that stuff, and it changes around a lot. But I also seem to have a weird feeling of something being wrong but not being able to put my finger on what it exactly is. Kind of like having a general anxious feeling I guess? My mood definitely dip when one of these bouts comes along. It's like a constant feeling that something is not right, and then being sad about it. It doesnt feel like just pure anxiety laden worry about something, I could say more like dread. It's kind of difficult to explain. Anyone else had anything like this?

11-26-2009, 09:20 PM
Could it be depression? For instance like me, as a women I go through hormonal changes. So on particular days I will suddenly get depressed and feel all that stuff, totally off, dark mood, everything is dark and bleak, nothing seems right, everything I think is negative, I get irritated easily, headaches, yukky tired and ofcourse anxious. Then after a day or two, everything is back to normal and it all dissapears, and I can usually pin point which days it happens according to my af cycle.
Another one is one time I had a bad bout of anxiety that came out of nowhere, I felt all the usual anxiety stuff, naseus, dizzy, not quite right in alot of ways after having felt so good for a long time, I even made another appointment with my psychologist cause I was so bummed it was back, it turned out not to be anxiety at all but I was pregnant so it was all hormonal.
Don't ride off hormones, they play a big part in depression, mood and anxiety, it's not just females it happens to, you know what I mean?

11-26-2009, 09:34 PM
Pieturli I know exactly what you mean.

I haven't had anxiety or a panic attack over a week. Right now I don't feel any anxiety or panic... but I keep getting the feeling the something is wrong. Yesterday I was a bit off-balance and had some derealisation. But today I can't quite put my finger on what is troubling me. I just don't feel right. It's not a mood or emotional problem (although after a while it causes me to feel sad). I think it is something to do with my spatial awareness that I am finding unsettling. Maybe it's part of derealisation.