View Full Version : some advice?

11-26-2009, 09:43 AM
i have come to a point where i feel the amount of anxiety and the panic attacks I undergo are having a adverse affect on my life. Even writing this is difficult, and calling someone or seeing my doctor has become very difficult. I want to start to rebuild my life but this roadblock is giving me great difficulty, at times i feel paralyzed. Everywhere i go i see the devastation that humans are causing, and all i hear is the ice caps are melting, cities are becoming more congested ect ect, i cant help but think we don't have much time left, and it terrifies me knowing there's nothing i can do... i had to quit my job and i just don't know what to do anymore... i smoked a lot of pot for a few years and I've pretty much got it kicked now (except for a couple minor road bumps) . I have applied to return to school in January but if i'm still in the state i'm in now i don't know if I'll be able to cope... if you could give me some advice, or some hope that would be greatly appreciated.

11-26-2009, 09:51 AM
Hi lemottes,

You have come to the right place :)

Can you list your symtoms for us all to look at, as i personally found it was best to tackle one at a time.

I have read alot of post where Canabis has caused Anxiety so thats a good starting place.

How long have you suffered from Anxiety?

The guys n girls here are great so im sure between us we can help you through these difficult times.

Welcome to the Forum

11-26-2009, 10:21 AM
Ive been suffering from anxiety of various degree's since i was a teenager, I'm now 27.

some of my symptoms, hrmm, social anxiety, i have trouble calling people, talking to people i don't know well... I find it hard to carry out small talk, im always awkward in social situations unless im in a very good mood. I also have a tendency to go from highs to rock bottom lows. sometimes things will trigger panic attacks where i think i'm dying and find it hard to breathe. other times i have episodes where i'll turtle up on the floor and I'm unable to speak for some time. for years ive felt like there was something wrong but everyone just keeps telling me I'll be fine and I'll get over it...