View Full Version : Prickly shock down arms+Neck and shoulders tight in morning

11-25-2009, 10:43 AM
Hi everyone,

I have a reoccurring problem where my neck and shoulders will be very very tight, and I will have feelings of shock and a shivery prickly feeling going down down my arms. Sometimes the feelings of shock last for half the day, but then usually subside by evening. Then it all starts over the next morning. Also, there is a shivery prickly feeling up my neck over my ears and head.

This is always worse in the morning, decreasing through out the day. Has anybody felt this before? Any tips on how to decrease it from happening. It is very scary and makes me feel trapped in my body.

Thank you!

11-25-2009, 01:15 PM
This is all part of muscle tension caused by your anxiety. Do some stretches in the morning, exercise when you can, yoga, relaxation anything that eases muscle tension is essential when you have anxiety.

11-26-2009, 02:36 AM
Check for in growing hairs around the area of the pain. If you have waxed some part of your body you could have provoked this. Happend to a friend of mine a few months ago.

If you dont have any success you may want to consider acupunture, its really good but expensive.