View Full Version : really bad day - help

11-24-2009, 03:08 AM

right im having a really bad day, sitting at work and extremly anxious, dont know what to do - feel totally incapacitated and jsut feel like running out - feel really scared and dont know what to do .......help

11-24-2009, 06:25 AM
hi amy,

Is it panic attacks or anxiety that's bothering you?
I get both at work. For panic attacks I just make myself comfortable and ride them out. They can be intense, but they don't last long and they can't do any real harm.

For anxiety I usually find a quiet place to chill out for 10 minutes. I take a few deep breathes and focus all my concentration on my senses (i.e. what I can hear, touch, smell & see at the present). If my mind wanders back to worrying thoughts, then I just ackowledge it and divert my attention back to the present.

These are just a couple of things that help me get through the day. I'm sure everyone has there own techniques - you just need to find what works for you.

11-24-2009, 06:28 AM
Try going for a walk that helped me a little, also remember to stay well clear off caffine (Tea, Coffee) and suger.

Dont feel bad about going home to bed if its that bad, i did it once and after a while in bed it passed.

Try a quiet place also.

Hope this helps :)