View Full Version : Is this anxiety disorder??

11-23-2009, 05:39 PM
Hi everyone,

I'm a newbie here and just wondering if anyone else experiences "anxiety attacks" almost everyday for more than just a few minutes sometimes hours. Symptoms like heart palpitations, chest tighness, short of breath and fatigue even when just sitting around doing nothing particularly stressful. I've had EKGs and a holter monitor done and they have come back normal so don't know what else it can be.

I always thought that anxiety attack should once last minutes not hours and should have specific triggers. Am I wrong?

11-23-2009, 05:50 PM
Hi Midnite

If you have had a full range of tests and they have come back clear i would definatley say it does sound like anxiety

There is no textbook time when or how long an anxiety attack lasts everyone is different, it may not so much be the attack lasting so long ( i mean at the peak of it ) it may be high anxiety without a panic attack still being with you, but certainly the fear of having another attack will keep your anxiety levels high.

Anxiety attacks can occur at anytime, you dont have to be under stress or doing something stressful to get them or have a specific event in your life that can trigger them, some people even get them in their sleep, thats when you think someone would be at their most relaxed when sleeping,

11-24-2009, 12:17 PM
Hi 1970 and thanks for your reply.

Just another question: I'm scheduled for a stress test in January for my heart - what other tests you think I should ask to have done?

This is such a confusing problem since my doctors can't find anything wrong and I feel like a crazy person most days... but I'm glad to see other people have simliar issues too.

11-24-2009, 01:41 PM
You could get a blood test, cat scan, ears checked. But if all else comes back normal, accpetance you have anxiety is key to start recovering. Read as much as you can so you understand what your feeling and why and how to start recovering, it's no easy process and the sooner you start, the sooner you'll feel better.