View Full Version : My Interpretation of Anxiety

11-23-2009, 01:23 AM
Just something I wrote for myself. It may or may not help anyone, but it helped me gain some insight into how I feel about my anxiety. This is just my interpretation and has no real medical value, but enjoy my ranting and raving :lol:

Anxiety's root cause is stress. Anxiety is part of our anatomy, it's a natural response to stress and fearful situations. There is no cure for this, we need it as humans to survive, to react appropriately to stressful and dangerous situations.
‘Everyone’ experiences anxiety and panic attacks, the normal response is to attach these feelings to that particular situation that made us fearful, when that danger is gone, our anxiety is gone. It’s like a person who is afraid of heights, their anxiety is linked to heights, their anxiety manifests from their fear of feeling like they’re in a dangerous situation. When they come down from that height their anxiety is gone. It was like the first time I went parasailing, I was so high up, my head started to spin, I lost speech, my mouth dried up. When I came down, my anxiety was gone, why? Because the danger I felt was from the situation I was in.

Why does anxiety become a disorder?
An anxiety disorder is what we create, our fear of our symptoms. We can’t find the link to our anxiety, we can’t link it to a dangerous situation or a ‘thing’ so we’re consumed by what we feel, the symptoms of anxiety, the fear of what we’re feeling, our dangerous situation, stressful situation is the anxiety itself. We link our emotions to our anxiety symptoms. So in essence, our fearful situation is never gone and our symptoms manifest. When you experience anxiety for the first time and your not doing anything stressful or don’t see any danger, you feel the full frontal of anxiety symptoms and are overwhelmed by them and this is the danger we attach to.

What does this tell me?
Anxiety is a product of our mind, it is an emotional attachment to our thoughts, feelings and our constant overwhelming fear of what we’re feeling. Our first anxiety attack was never a product of something, it could have been from the constant stress in our everyday lives that have built up over time to create anxiety, or it could have been something else, this is not the point, the root cause of the ultimate problem is the fear of our symptoms, because we could never link this to something physical.
Physical symptoms need then be treated, but this will not change the persons way of thinking. Stress relief techniques, good diet, exercise are all necessary to feel strong and healthy but the root cause must also be treated. The way we view our anxiety needs to change, our emotional attachments to our thoughts and sensations need to change, understanding the only danger is what we feel and this is not dangerous albeit uncomfortable.
The only cure is to stop fearing our sensations. How can this be done, if it’s so easy we wouldn’t be here. We need to re-teach our brains to turn off that anxiety switch, that there is no danger because we are no longer afraid of what we’re feeling. Do we face that fear, like someone who is afraid of heights? Yes. because our fear is our symptoms and as long as we feel them we’ll fear them. So our therapy is in our mind and can be done anywhere, anytime, there is nothing to face but our own fear of anxiety.
Knowledge of this is power, practice in believing we are no longer afraid of our symptoms, not caring when we feel anxiety, not flinching or moving when we’re having a panic/anxiety attack, don’t fight there is nothing there to fight but our fear, don’t suppress it, there is no magic pill or special diet, your only masking what your ultimately afraid of. ANXIETY
So what’s the cure? Stop hating, fearing, reacting, attaching to every thought and symptom of anxiety, let it go…….