View Full Version : Constantly Unreal

11-21-2009, 12:00 PM
Can't take it any more. I feel unreal all the time. Everything seems foreign to me like its weird being human. I think bout things like time and breathing how our bodies work and it send my mind spinning. The slightest things bring on derealization, like just looking at my hand and focusing on it. IM losing sleep and I feel like I have nothing to live for. What is the best way to get rid of all this beofre I end up doing something I regret. im getting therapy but talking is useless because talking wont solve all this.

11-21-2009, 05:22 PM
I can100% relate.
Its very scary, i know.

Read this forum if you havent already :

I am also, going to see a therapist, i also feel like they wont be able to help.. so believe me i know how you feel. But i find talking about it and getting reasurance gives me hope.

11-21-2009, 07:25 PM
You do have plenty to live for, this is just a sensation your feeling at the moment, it will pass and life will be normal again. It will take some time but thinking you could do something to yourself won't solve anything. Is what your feeling worth losing your life, hurting your family? This is something that can be fixed with time. It's not hopeless and anxiety can bring on depression and make you feel worthless and hopeless and can't see a bright future, but there is always light at the end of the tunnel.
Life can be good again, I know I felt the same and did try to hurt myself when I first suffered this, I had no idea what to do and after a year of anxiety and falling into a deep depression I thought my life wasn't worth anything. But I kept going and it did get better, so much better I never felt anxiety for years. I finished uni, met my life partner, travelled, went out with friends, go married, had a baby, bought a house, started my own business. I never looked back, sure I've had further episodes, but I've never let it bring me down again, I do what I can to make it better and know it will get better, I try to stay as positive as possible because I know these sensations and feelings aren't worth anything and will never hurt me. And anxiety is not worth your life!
Nothing lasts forever, it's up to you to do everything you can to help yourself. You have to change your thinking and stop focusing on things you know will bring on derealization, so don't look at your hand and focus on useless things, focus on how you can help yourself and read as much as you can about it.
Cbt therapy is the only form of therapy for anxiety, if your therapist is only getting you to talk about your feelings, walk away and find someone who knows what they're doing, someone who has experience in cbt therapy and has success in helping other anxiety sufferers.

This will get better, it takes time, but don't let it take over your life, don't let feelings and sensations run you or scare you. Keep going, you can't go down any further so there is only one way to go now and that is up.

11-25-2009, 04:31 AM
I can relate to you, i had it, i have it, sometimes is worse, sometimes is better...i read it's related to our body being depleted, tired, by years of anxiety and stress, and this make sense...

...try to see what alleviate it for you...maybe good sleep, maybe exercise, maybe a good diet...
it is also clear that it is linked to being depressed and hopeless...i sometimes feel void, with this word being so scary and overwhelming that i feel i can't take it anymore...but yet again i know this is in my head

curing anxiety takes TIME, takes discipline, because we have to understand that there is no quick fix, but rather a long process of recovery...it's difficult, it's harsh but we'l have to take this road
depersonalisation...it will go away i guess, but i think it will FADE away rather then snapping out of it...so it takes time...

best of luck