View Full Version : advice

11-20-2009, 10:38 AM
I have been through the mill this year:

Swine flu
fiance leaving
Debt collectors,
Psychotic break down
stones in the thing under the liver.
all my stuff in my flat stolen

and I sat down and I thought, I look at my life as it is a puzzle, I am on strong anti psychotics and anti depressants, and they were distorying my life.
So i slowly asking my doctor if i could cut down on the amount of drugs they are pumping me with.

As I sat down and looked at the pieces that are missing and ask myself why they are missing, like my love of my life, my friends and my family.

I realised I let everything control my life. I left my illness and my anixtey control my life. I am 20 I need to have fun.

I did not talk or tell any one but professionals and to be honest its good for someone but its the loneist place I got refered on and on so I never got to talk to anyone for to long. explaining my symptons and side effects over and over.

In till in the end I got up and walked out I was like I have had enough I refuse to let this control me any longer.

Since then I sorted out my job, I got dressed showered and i done my make up and put a smile on my face.

Since i cut down on the drugs its a hell of a lot easyer I am not so dopey all the time.

I went and got my boyfriend back, I cleaned the house from top to bottom handed in my months notice and I arranged to meet friends apologized for not seeing them.

I am avoiding my in laws for a while.

the puzzle is coming together my life is getting in control.

So I decided to come on here and say they can pump you with all the drugs in the world you can talk about your problems in till your blue in the face.

Its you that can make the difference dont let it control you! you control it.

Find a outlet to take out your stress on something you like, like music and painting.

To all you people out there that suffer with this hell we call a mental illness


Best of luck to you all ...

11-20-2009, 08:30 PM
Thank you Lyndsey ... will give that a go hey? ... have tried just about everything else!