View Full Version : Jolting and twitching - will it end?

11-18-2009, 02:26 AM
Hi all,

Having been diagnosed with GAD by 2 doctors and a neurologist, plus an MRI, i'm still struggling to get my head around this disorder. I think the most scary thing is the uncontrolled body movements (jolts, spasams and twitches in muscles especially at night) that are happening. The neurologist said today that i'm very hypervigilant. I need to stop focusing on it and it will ease. I don't know how i can do it. I dread the thought of going to sleep.
This has been happening for 6 weeks now. When will it ease?

Does anyone else have similar symptoms/struggles/stories?

I'm currently taking magnesium also. Other current symptoms include - lightheadedness, muscle soreness, tingling, numbness, feeling like im spaced out. I think i may be suffering from depression also.

Look forward to hearing from others.

11-18-2009, 04:10 AM
So sad that you are now enduring what i had to go through all those months ago :(

Well i found that Magnesium helps alot with the muscle issues, might be worth a try for you.

11-18-2009, 01:39 PM
Thanks for your reply. What other things did you put in place to overcome these issues? I'm trying to accept anxiety and am seeing a psychologist. Its so hard on everyone else along with me. Trying to live a 'normal'life is tough.

Any other stories would be appreciated.


11-18-2009, 08:14 PM
I hate when doctors say, stop focusing on it and it will go away!!! It's not that simple, your muscles are so so tense from constant anxiety and stress, it'll take more than that.
When I had these symptoms I used meditative tools, breathing tools. Exercise like swimming will help ease the tension. Try yoga, yoga is awesome for this sort of stuff, if your embaressed to go to your local yoga classes (usually with all women lol) just buy a dvd and do it at home with no one watching. Massages every week if you can, everyday if you have someone to do it for you. Epsom salt in a bath eases muscle tension.
Try anything you can, not everything is mind over matter like they'd like you to believe. Your on the right track with a psychologist and that will help you deal with it and learn cognitive coping tools, but anything to relieve physical stress will help.

11-19-2009, 02:00 AM
hi samo, taking magnesium is a great idea as a lack of it in the body can definitely lead to your kind of issues.

another idea would be for you to look at the idea of low blood sugar as this can also cause muscle twitching and anxiety. have a look at this post: http://www.anxietyforum.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4087

in it you will find tips that might help with your anxiety & help you to relax so that you're not hyperaware anymore, i know how frustrating that can be.