View Full Version : licorice root for Anxiety??

11-16-2009, 08:40 AM
Hi All,

I just had to make a post on licorice root as it has started to change my life in such a possitive way. I managed to beat Anxiety a few months back and was left with just one symptom, de-realisaion (brain fog) this as many already know is one of the worst symtoms of Anxiety.

Last week i found myself talking to a lady who sells vitamins for a living who used to suffer from De-realisation. She was incredibly knowledgeable on vitamins and the effects they can have on brain fog, so she told me to try licorice root which aids adreanal glands to support their recovery from a sressfull event/events and also Anxiety which also helps brain fog. Being a sceptical person taking sooo many meds and diferant things i was not convinced but still had hope so i tried it. Now after only a week i feel around 40% better and can safely see this is whats done it for me :)

The reason why i posted this is because i hav'nt seen the adrenal glands being discussed here and the affects they can have on Anxiety and the body. I found a page of info on them which really opened my eyes and it relates to so many topics brought up here i just had to let you all know.

Now i know this may or may not help some of you out but, this is just another possibility to explore while combating Anxiety.

For anyone who decides to try licorice root, please leave your comments as im curious to see how it effects you, lets hope its as possitive as it was for me.

{pasted from an external website not my own}
Do you feel tired all the time? Maybe you get plenty of sleep and just don’t feel rested. Or maybe you have trouble sleeping. Low energy? Difficulty thinking or focusing? These are all symptoms of adrenal fatigue. This article explores the adrenals and the causes of adrenal fatigue. Included is a simplified explanation of how diet affects the adrenals and some suggestions for what you can do to restore them, and you to health.

The 30 symptoms include, but are not limited to:
1. Excessive fatigue and exhaustion, chronic fatigue
2. Non-refreshing sleep
3. Sleep disturbance, insomnia
4. Feeling overwhelmed or unable to cope
5. Craving salty and/or sweet foods
6. Sensitivity to light
7. Low stamina and slow to recover from exercise
8. Slow to recover from injury or illness
9. Difficulty concentrating, brain fog
10. Poor digestion
11. Irritable bowel syndrome, IBS
12. Low immune function
13. Premenstrual syndrome
14. Menopause symptoms
15. Low blood pressure
16. Sensitivity to cold
17. Fearfulness
18. Allergies,
19. Frequent influenza
20. Arthritis
21. Anxiety
22. Irritability
23. Depression
24. Reduced memory
25. Low libido, sexual drive or interest
26. Lack of lust for life and/or food
27. Excess hunger
28. Low appetite
29. Panic/anxiety attacks
30. Irritability, impatience, quick to anger.
If quick to anger, the person will often tend to back down quickly if confronted.

Many of these symptoms have other causes, so just because you have one or more symptom doesn’t necessarily mean that you have adrenal fatigue. On the other hand, adrenal fatigue is so prevalent that if you have even one of these symptoms, it is likely that your are at least a bit run down.

Almost every client I have ever seen has come to me because of one or more of these symptoms. Stress is a major contributor to adrenal fatigue. We live in a busy world that offers little relief from stresses of life. Toxicity contributes to adrenal fatigue as well. But by far, adrenal fatigue is caused by a diet high in sugar and processed foods. And, the same dietary factors that contribute to adrenal fatigue are at the root of most of our major health issues today. Most major diseases start with the same factors as adrenal fatigue, and adrenal fatigue can lead to many serious conditions.

What are the adrenals?
The adrenals are two walnut sized glands that sit on top of the kidneys. They produce three different classes of hormones at the rate of about a quart (liter) a day. One class is stress hormones like adrenalin and cortisol also called hydrocortisone. Another class of adrenal hormones affect mineral metabolism especially the sodium/potassium balance. And, they produce sex hormones and their precursors. These hormones are some of the ones that make us feel good. They give us energy and a lust for life — and sex.

A simple test for adrenal fatigue
There are many tests for adrenal fatigue. Lab tests are expensive and take time for the results. However, there is a simple self-test that can be done with a flashlight and a mirror. Start in a darkened room so that your pupils dilate but have it light enough so that you can see your eyes in a mirror. Allow enough time in the dim room so that the pupils dilate fully, about ten minutes. Next, shine the flashlight into one of your eyes from the side so that the light causes the pupil to shrink down to a pin point. Do this in such a way that you can still watch the pupil as it reduces in size. If your adrenals are strong, the pupil will most likely shrink down immediately. If there is any hesitation before they react, then your adrenals are probably fatigued. I use the qualifier probably here because there are other reasons eyes may not react like this though they are not common.

Dietary causes of adrenal fatigue
As mentioned earlier, sugar and refined carbohydrates are the main cause of adrenal fatigue. Sugar includes honey, maple syrup, fructose, dried fruit, fruit juice and just about anything that is sweet. Refined carbohydrates are grains that have been ground up or have had the bran removed. This include products like bread even whole wheat bread, noodles, corn chips, white rice and pretty much anything that comes in a package. Refined foods are broken down by grinding and concentration. Refined grains have more surface area exposed to digestion, so they digest more quickly. They release their sugars quickly into the blood stream causing blood sugar to go up too high too fast.

The body responds to high blood sugar by releasing insulin. Insulin is a hormone that causes sugar to move into the liver, muscles and fat tissues. The problem is that the body evolutionarily isn’t designed to deal with the large amounts of sugar in the blood that are caused by sugar and refined foods. Evolution has designed us to eat animal protein, whole grains (not chopped up), vegetables and fruits. So, the body tends to overreact to this fast sugar by releasing too much insulin. This article is about the adrenals, but high blood sugar, high levels of insulin and constant exposure to stress hormones cause their own problems that will be covered in the future.

The release of too much insulin causes the blood sugar to go down too far. Most everyone has experienced getting sleepy after a large meal of pasta, rice or some other carbohydrate. Or, the drop in energy that follows a candy high. That’s what happens after the large release of insulin. The blood sugar goes down too far. The brain eats mostly sugar, so it gets sleepy from lack.

Now we get into the adrenal involvement. One of the stress hormones they release is cortisol. In ancient times stress meant that we had to fight or run away, the fight/flight response. The muscles that move quickly use sugar, and cortisol causes blood sugar to increase. There is also a cortisol release anytime there is low blood sugar. You know how you can be really hungry, then after awhile you aren’t so hungry anymore? That’s cortisol doing it’s job. The same thing happens when low blood sugar happens because of an over-release of insulin.

The adrenals are constantly being assailed by the above reactions. Processed foods and snacks are available all the time, and they are hard to resist. Our ancestors survived because they had a sweet tooth. They craved the sweet fruits that were available at the end of winter. Insulin caused that extra sugar to be stored as fat for the lean times of winter. The ones that didn’t desire sweet fruits didn’t survive, so we inherited that craving for sweets and other foods that turn into sugar. The problem is that we eat as though it is the end of summer all the time!

The adrenals are constantly being called on to produce more and more cortisol in response to the stress caused by sugar and processed food. Eventually they become exhausted. And, so does the indulger.

What you can do
The obvious thing to do is to stop eating sugar and refined foods. A lot of people will do great just by modifying their diet alone. There are lots of products on the market for treating the adrenals, but which ones really work? This is very individual, but I will give you some suggestions in part two.

Be well, and remember: the body wants to heal, all it needs is the opportunity

11-16-2009, 10:31 AM
someone did mention this on another thread (although i dont think it was so well titled so perhaps not obvious)

i ordered myself some on saturday from the internet (got the despatch notice today) so am eagerly awaiting it...

Im hoping even if it doesnt help my anxiety it may serve as a cigarette replacement.. ive brough myself down to about 4 or 5 cigarettets a day, and to be honest every one i have is giving me terrible anxiety effects, derealisation, dizzyness, but if i eat any more sugarry sweets im going to go nuts..

im hope they will serve as a mind occupant instead of smoking..

out of intrest.. ive ordered 200g but ive no idea how many sticks that is, how long one lasts etc...any ideas?

11-16-2009, 10:49 AM
The ones i bought are in a capsule form so easy to take the correct dose. They are 420mg over 100 capsules so lets say 3 x teaspoons full a day is prob accurate.

I take two in the morning with my breakfast, two after my lunch and two before i go to bed.

On the bottle:

Ingredients: Liquorice root Powder, Capsule shell (Gelatine), Anti-caking agents (Magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide, stearic acid).

Please note that if you have high blood pressure it is advised to avoid Liquorice Root.

Here is the link of the ones i bought:
http://www.hollandandbarrett.com/pages/ ... ot&rdcnt=1 (http://www.hollandandbarrett.com/pages/product_detail.asp?pid=130&searchterm=Liquorice%20root&rdcnt=1)

11-16-2009, 03:21 PM
oh ive order the actual root...

so does that mean you are getting 2500mg a day approx :o

im gonna have to chew some roots.. :D but as i say, im hoping the having something to chew on that isnt sugar, or nicotine will be a positive benefit..

11-16-2009, 05:07 PM
I did read a warning of dosages above 2000mg , see the extract below

"Always read the label Contraindications/Cautions: Not recommended in pregnancy. Not recommended for long term use (more than 6 weeks) with a 2 week break, unless directed by a health practitioner. Long term use may deplete body levels of potassium and elevate blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure (hyper tension), liver disease, kidney disease or are on diuretic or steroid therapy, consult your doctor or pharmacist before using this product.

Medicine Interactions:
Potassium-depleting diuretics, steroids (see ‘Cautions). When taking antihypertensive, figoxinmedications monitor blood pressure and consult your doctor

taken from this website

11-17-2009, 07:38 AM
loads of roots arrived this morning.. no idea how much a root contains, and how much to have so im just having a chew from time to time...
reckon half a root a day is plenty...

if anyone comes across how much let me know.. :D

oh.. 200g was a mountain of root.. ive got about 50 :D

11-17-2009, 06:17 PM
Just curious as to those taking the liquorice root , is it having any laxative effect or in the tablet form its not causing that


11-18-2009, 04:30 AM
Not with me all seems fine :)

11-29-2009, 05:03 AM
Licorice has been researched to have anti-androgenic properties. It is commonly used as a natural remedie for women who have high levels of testosterone (this is a common problem which causes a host of problems) I have pcos and the high testoreone levels I produce make all these symptoms for me including glucose intolerance.
For any women reading this and you feel these symptoms, get your bloods checked and a scan done, I didn't get diagnosed with pcos until I was 23, before then I didn't realise alot of my symptoms were from this.

11-29-2009, 05:13 PM
With all do respect you guys need to be very careful taking Liquorice root. MEN YOU NEED TO THINK ABOUT THIS. "Studies have shown it rapidly and significantly lowers levels of circulating testosterone in males."

It has ability to cause hypermineralocorticoidism with "Sodium Retention and potassium loss," edema (is an abnormal accumulation of fluid beneath the skin or in one or more cavities of the body.), "increased blood pressure," as well as depression of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system.

One bad reaction can effect the Lungs, Liver, Kidneys Adrenal Glands and the Pituitary Gland.

The last thing you want to do is possibly throw off your mineral balance that your tying to restore through mineralocorticoidism!
