View Full Version : How soon did I need a tetanus??

11-15-2009, 12:32 PM

Im worried again that I have tetanus. Im still aching around my back and ribs, and a bit in my private parts, cos i sat on a rusty nail

I had a tetanus 6 days after, will this cover me? Please help, If you know??

11-15-2009, 01:28 PM
I think to be honest its a case of NHS Direct . Bare in mind that the pain could be from the nai hitting a nerve. Who administered the Tetanus? If you went to hospital or doctors they should be able to tell you if you were too late, and normally presribe some antibiotics along with the injection. Seriously better to be safe than sorry give them a call or get down to your docs first thing in the morning. No one would complain about you wanting to be reassured