View Full Version : am i in denial ?

11-15-2009, 11:15 AM
hi i need help as im struggling come to terms with what my doctor says is wrong with me yes i know they know better than me but jus dont understand whats happend to me lately

ill start at the begining it started a year ago i lost my daughter stillborn i cudnt bare to grieve so i got pregnant straight away thinking i could handle it ... half way thru i started with chest pains and low blood sugar and after that started getting scared id loose another baby so found myself in a and e constantly worried about loosing another baby they finally induced me when gave birth was so relieved was like a weight was lifted of me shoulders but i was so drained i couldnt move or anything for 48 hours didn understand why felt so ill id had 2 previou children and never felt this bad

now im home baby is 5 weeks old i have no post natal depression i love him to bits

im still suffering from dizziness sickness headaches chest twinges muscle cramps stomach aches and constant rib pain i dont leave the house anymore cos i go dizzy and feel sick and almost pass out when exerted ive only ever had an ecg and routine bloods they all came back perfect me doctor said ive got anxiety im finding it hard to accept as i get all these sysmptoms everday never get a break from them one min i can be relaxed and not even thinking of anything that would panic me and boom ill hen im left thinking god where did that come from me doctor no longor listens to me think he thinks i make everythink up now

have i got anxiety am i just in denial please help

im a 22 yr old female

11-15-2009, 12:57 PM
I think most people will agree that many of us would be in denial because i would try to convinc my doctor there is nothing wrong with me yet the symptoms of Anxiety never go away for me, some days can be better than others but some symptoms are 24 hours a day. I found myself repeatedly turning up to A&E with pain and it depressed me being turned away. It got to the point i started to try and self diagnose which just makes you feel worse.

Do you think you have anxiety?

I am in two minds to be honest, i am a counselling student and we are always told that a client is the expert of their own mind.

11-15-2009, 01:04 PM
Well, it's really hard to tell from your post. I like what damaralenoire said in that you are the expert on your mind. Start reading some books and read some personal stories of people with social anxiety, panic, agoraphobia, and general anxiety and see if your story aligns with their stories at all.

Generally, if something has no organic cause, then it must have a cause that begins in the mind. Your doctor might be right, but he could be wrong too. What kinds of thoughts are going through your mind when you are experiencing these symptoms. Are they caused by something that is going on in your life? Your symptoms are definitely similar to those of anxiety sufferers, however many different conditions have symptoms that overlap.

Then again, this could be some sort of anxiety about your baby, as you did have one unfortunately pass away a couple years ago. It's really hard to say at this point. If you could provide more detail on what is going on inside your head and do some homework on this, that could help you move in the right direction.

Sorry I don't have the solution, but hopefully something helped and be sure to ask questions if you have more in the future!

11-15-2009, 03:22 PM
i really dont know part of me thinks it must be cos its been going on about 7 months and i think if it was anything serious id know by now

but wen i turned up to docs and a and e they never say theres nothing wrong i had 3 chest infections and 6 urine infections and a cold that refuses to budge also had about 7 viral infections while preg so part of me thinks is it me mind that is making me ill or is there something behind it i just need some support i feel alone cos no one around me understands whats going on they think when i say i cant go out its minor but its really affecting me life me kids want there mummy back and i wanna be normal again but do i keep taking these stupid tablets they say shud calm me down but they make me feel worse or do i ask for a second opinion