View Full Version : where do i begin with getting over this?

11-13-2009, 10:54 PM
i want to be happy again. how do i start? i dont know where to begin. i want to start living my life again and not let my anxiety control me.

11-13-2009, 10:59 PM
Just by coming to this site you are going in the right direction as far as you know that you want to feel the way you used to and get over the way you are feeling so you are doing something about it, its a first step to wanting to recover by actively looking for a solution as you are.

Others will offer help and suggestions to you here, i know its so hard but try to stay positive

11-13-2009, 11:07 PM
thnx. i have been to cognitive counsling.. and other therapy.. now my parents want me to go on meds.. im nervous. anxiety and depression runs in my family.

11-14-2009, 07:51 PM
thnx. i have been to cognitive counsling.. and other therapy.. now my parents want me to go on meds.. im nervous. anxiety and depression runs in my family.

first thing to remember there is Environmental and Inherited Influences...

some things in life we inherit, some things are just enviroment..
Do you think you have inherited it from your parents..

there isnt much evidence to show that anxiety is inherited, not genetically anyway... it can be.

but very often it is learned from behavior.. our parents influences, our enviroment.. we learn everything from our parents, right, wrong, likes, dislikes, and if our parents are scared of something, we learn to be scared of it too..

you have a great advantage that your parents know what you are going through and will be supportive, but try to look at it as being your own anxiety, you can beat it and cure it.. you have not inherited it and are forced to live with it..

11-15-2009, 01:19 PM
I'll attempt to give you a roadmap for doing that, and it's really up to you where to start. A great place to start is to see a counselor (very helpful for me) who can help you navigate the way until you are ready to go out and do this on your own. What I did was seek counseling, build positive friendships and drop negative ones, get out in the world and volunteer, take a small dose of medication, engage in regular exercise (very helpful), grow a stronger spirituality, journal regularly, and take anxiety-reducing risks. I just kept doing this over a period of years and while things were hard at times, I eventually found a rewarding career, wonderful wife, and all the friends that I needed. That's the map right there, and it's up to you where you start and how you want to get there. Good luck and let us know if you have any additional questions!