View Full Version : Feeling like heads in a vice

11-13-2009, 06:55 PM
Of late i have been constantly feeling like my head is in a vice and a foggy head, constant feeling of a tight band around my head and as i say foggy

Does anyone else experience this and how do they deal / relieve it

Also at times, not during and attck but in general does anyone else feel they have reached the point of you feel you are on the verge of a breakdown? I know im not but the thought or feeling of it is horrible

Im only on day 2 of the magnesium and amminos so see how that goes, im also on 50mg of zoloft and talk to a counciller every 2 months or so

Has anyone had any sucess with hypnotherapy i was thinking of trying that, i would do anything if i knew it would get rid of anxiety for good

Thanks everyone

11-16-2009, 09:45 AM
You might want to have a read of this post

Dont worry about the head in the vice feeling it does pass over time.

11-17-2009, 03:54 PM
Thanks coops

I still cant shake this contstant fog and the feeling of a tight band around my head, ive had it for about 2 weeks non stop now, i had a massage yesterday but still hasnt lifted

ive been taking the aminos and magnesium now for about 4 days but im not really noticing a difference yet

11-17-2009, 09:40 PM
I tried hypnotherapy and I didn't find it helpful. I did about 3 sessions, the last session I was so dazed and confused afterwards I couldn't keep my eyes open. It was really scary. I had more success with regular meditation and breathing teqniques.
A good meditation method that you can do yourself (along with good breathig)is:
Sit in an upright position, not lying down, a little discomfort is necessary, it teaches your mind to still relax when your physically uncomfortable.
No music, no one talking, just simply sit with your eyes closed and clear your mind of passing thoughts. If you get a thought, don't attach to it, don't ride with it, aknowledge it and let it float by. Over time, this will teach you to not get attached to your thoughts, recognise them, but not emotionally attach. You will also start to notice anxiety thought patterns, usually they are so quick we are not consious of them, but if you train your mind, they'll slow down and you'll be able to see them and thus control them.
Clearing your mind simply is a good relaxation technique and lets your mind rest. You can start with 2 min a day until you feel confident and build it up over time.
Also, you might get anxiety thoughts when your doing this, it's excellent because usually we emotionally attach to our anxiety thoughts and it's what causes all our sensations, but this will teach you to not get involved with these thoughts but just let them go. Over time, your mind will learn a new pattern of dealing with anxiety thoughts. It takes some patience and commitment, but it really does work.

11-18-2009, 02:42 AM
Hi Belle

Thanks for you response and thoughts , i will try that technique that you mentioned.

11-18-2009, 03:46 AM
When is the Brain fog worse? Sometimes it can be linked to blood suger from what i have read, in my case blood suger is not the issue.

I have recently been taking liquorice root caplets from my local vitamin store which is helping alot, these have Magnesium in them also. I take Vitamin B complex daily to aid my brain too, you could try these and see how you go on.

How are you sleeping by the way? Sleep plays a Major part in brain fog aswell.

11-18-2009, 04:42 AM
Hi Coop

thanks for the reply

the brain fog has been 24/7 for the last couple of weeks i think it comes from the tension in my shoulders and neck pulling the scalp muscles tight , could be something else anxiety related

I havent really noticed and certain time when its worse, blood sugars are fine i have had them checked not long ago.

I,m on a mega complex b tablet daily, magnesium tablet daily and amino complex, which i have just found out my amino complex is only about 65.mg per tablet way below the liquid value of 2026 mg per 45 ml serve, i found some liquid amino fuel and ordered that, ( look out blazzing saddles lol ) that should be here in a few days

as far as sleep thats not a problem for me, i am lucky in that way compared to other sufferers on here i have no problems sleeping and cant get enough of it,

11-19-2009, 03:56 AM
Have you considered acupuncture? I tried this about a month or so ago and it does help alot with muscle tension, maybe its linked.

I have this 24/7 also but its been much better of late with the Liqurice Root, some people find that it's easier when they are outside, myself i find it better when im relaxed in bed.

Amino's are great for the brain, but is this your problem? It's so hard to work out the cause of Brain fog and can be really frustrating indeed. As the Liqurice is helping me which is linked to the Adrenal glands im focusing on them as my problem at the moment.

I'm still spending alot of time studying this so if i find anything that relates to you i will post it.

I was going to the Vitamin shop yesterday and didnt make it so i will try and call in today as i want to discuss Gotu Kola with them which ive read is also very good for Brain fog.