View Full Version : Diarrhea, bowel symptoms - Linden or CBT?

11-12-2009, 04:13 AM

I wrote something about me in my introduction post - I tried to post a link, but anti-spam prevented me, so I'll just paste it here:

It's quite challenging to write a post like this because I never know what to say and what to begin with, but let's give it a try.

24 yr male here, suffering from acute panic attacks and extreme IBS. It started as a school phobia, but now it's not only school - it's every situation that I can't leave fast enough (especially when I am judged, directly by some exam or indirectly by people around), example - spending time with my girlfriend at the river. There's no toilet there and so IBS starts to attack. High school (and even primary school, because it all started there) was a nightmare but I managed to get through this somehow, though I haven't got along taking university exams and had to stop learning.

I'm on Effectin ER 150 but thinking about withdrawal after I finally manage to get my driver's license exam passed (I constantly fail, I think that's because of Xanax that I take before the exams) and try some therapy, possibly (once again, but this time with a therapist) cognitive-behavioral or Linden method. This was the reason I googled for this forum. I was looking for some methods not available in my country (Linden's is one of them) and their efficiencies. Cognitive-behavioral didn't help me much, maybe I was doing something wrong (I was doing it on myself with a book, "mind over mood").

Sorry for my poor english, it's not my native language. I'm much better at reading than on writing by myself.

Take care.

Months passed by, I reduced Efectin 150 ER to 75 ER and I am now about to cure my anxiety for good, but I don't now what should I try - CBT or Linden method? I already tried CBT and it was hard because when you have what I call "diarrhea attack" you cannot just calm yourself and say "it's nothing, it will not hurt me" - I know it will not hurt me, but I just suffer like hell and HAVE TO find a toilet. When I find it it's another story because I am afraid that someone will interrupt me (when there's only one toilet in the building or it's near the closing time).

In my country we have a similar anxiety forum (and I'm a co-admin there), but I ask here because Linden method is not popular where I live and virtually nobody uses it.

Is there something you could recommend for me? I really want to get rid of it...

11-12-2009, 03:30 PM
/Months passed by, I reduced Efectin 150 ER to 75 ER and I am now about to cure my anxiety for good, but I don't now what should I try - CBT or Linden method?

Just to let you know, Linden = CBT + $$$$$$$$$. That's REALLY all it is.

11-12-2009, 08:04 PM

Sounds like you have digestive problems to me. You need to look into which foods that will get your intestines back on track and functioning properly. A good protein powder high in Glutamine would be a good start. I'm sure you will be surprised what a good protein powder high in Glutamine with intestine friendly food would do for your problem, a good chelated Mineral is really a must for the intestines too. If you decide to look into protein powder make sure you read about the product some of them are full of artificial ingredients which might not be good for the problem but a natural one would be a big help for ya.

Let me know, thanks.


11-14-2009, 06:55 PM
Scrat I had the same thing and it was a big cause of panic for me. I did cbt, yeah not alot of help with the general anxiety of things, but I learnt how to recognise my fears and literally stop myself from getting to that panic state.
When I needed to go somewhere, like drive somewhere, I would have to stop at a servo or public toilet and go. Or anywhere I went, the first thing I would look for is a loo. I stopped fearing it and thought eff it, if I have to go, I have to go, what's the worst that could happen? So what if your disturbed? If you go, you feel better, so it's better to do it right? I actually began to accept the idea that when I go I feel better and I can continue with what I set out to do, so I saw it as a good thing. Once I stopped fearing it, it went away very very quickly. Just persistence you know, when your not scared to do it, it will take the nervousness away (which is a major cause of it)
I know it's not easy and you think 'how can I control my bowels' but you can control your fear and thus your nervousness about it. Hope that helped a little.

11-23-2009, 12:15 AM
IBS may be celiacs. Celiacs has Anxiety as a symptom. Just an fyi... Try a gluten free diet and see what happens. :)