View Full Version : xanax...please input !!!!!!!

11-11-2009, 03:20 PM
:( I have anxiety/panic disorder and ocd and depression. They gave me Zoloft 25 mg and I am suppose to up to 50 mg . And they also gave me xanax to take . Let me just tell everyone I HATE meds. I have BAD derealization and I am afraid the xanax will make it worse :cry: I have been taking the Zoloft for to weeks today and was suppose to up to 50 mg on monday and I am being a scaredy cat about it. :o I want some positive feedback on the meds since I amalready so scared about them. Please anybody please help!!!!

11-11-2009, 09:32 PM
:( I have anxiety/panic disorder and ocd and depression. They gave me Zoloft 25 mg and I am suppose to up to 50 mg . And they also gave me xanax to take . Let me just tell everyone I HATE meds. I have BAD derealization and I am afraid the xanax will make it worse :cry: I have been taking the Zoloft for to weeks today and was suppose to up to 50 mg on monday and I am being a scaredy cat about it. :o I want some positive feedback on the meds since I amalready so scared about them. Please anybody please help!!!!

What is it about Zoloft and Xanax that scares you? I was on Xanax for quite a while, and the biggest thing you have to watch out for is running out of pills. I hd a seizure once when I didn't take Xanax for a weekend. If those don't work for you, try others.

I'm not a huge fan of meds, but if that's what you need to cope at the moment, there's nothing wrong with that. But make sure you also add therapy to the mix (if you can afford it).

11-12-2009, 06:30 PM
Medications really help a lot of people. The can have side effects but for most people these settle down in a few weeks.

You should try to keep a big picture view, that if the medication doesn't work for you you can always try a different one or go off the medication and non-medication treatment options. We all get really caught up in the anxiety of these kinds of moments that's normal. You just have to try to remember that its your anxiety that's causing these thoughts. You're Dr will know what they are doing.

You should also try mindfulness meditation. i have found it very helpful and lots of psychologists use it these days. It can either be in addition to medication or in place of it, depending on what your dr thinks is best.

Good luck.