11-11-2009, 02:28 PM
i walked on a rusty nail last wednesday, and had a tetanus diptheria and polio booster yesterday, did i leave it too late to get one?

Im so worried and I dont know if im getting real symptoms or imaginary ones? please reply?

11-11-2009, 05:37 PM
ok.. firstly, tetanus boosters last about ten years, so if you had one within ten years you are almost certainly protected anyway.. so theres no need to panic...

your now a week after the injury, incubation is generally about 4-7 days so its almost certain you would be showing signs of serious infection around the wound, if they are not there now, it is unlikely they will surface...

and within a few more days the vaccine will also have taken hold and you will be protected for another ten years...

just remember that every ache you get does have a valid explanation, and you know that, a headache has an explanation, a bit of dizziness has an explanation.. we all know what you are going through, but you where almost certainly protected by your last booster, there is no sign of infection, and the the vacinnation will take hold soon as well..

if there was any real danger the hospital would have told you... they are experts.. ;)

11-11-2009, 07:54 PM
Thankyou for your reply, That is quite re-assuring,

I am getting symptoms thought, difficulty swallowing, difficulty breathing and a couple of aches and pains!

Is this maybe because im worried about having something wrong with me?

But the not being able to breathe or swallow properly are symptoms of tetanus?

Im so scared im going to die or die in my sleep!!

11-12-2009, 09:12 AM
but remember problems swallowing, and breathing difficulties are also common signs of anxiety... as are aches and pains and general stiffness..

the ,main symptons are severe muscle spasm, stiffness, mouth muscles severely effected, facial spasms so you look like you are grinning.. bowel bleeding, diarheoa, fever level temperatures...

your anxious, understandably, but theres no need... you know deep down you are just scared, you know deep down its just the anxiety worrying..

if you need reassurance pop to your doctor, he can take your temperature, and check you out thoroughly..

if there was a severe danger of tetanus the hospital/doctor would have kept you in...

think of all the times in the last few years when you thought you where going to die.. ive probably thought i was going to die fifty or sixty times.. maybe 3 or 4 nights a week i am scared i wont wake up.. and im sure you have thought the same..

you know what... ? we are both still here... ;)

11-12-2009, 04:00 PM
Thankyou so much dimspace for ur reassurance, you really have hit the nail on the head!

All I have got is pains all around my abdomen and going into my back but maybe that is anxiety like you said or cos i have been doing a lot of walking.

I dont have the spasms or anything wrong with my face,

Still a bit worried but you have reassured me, thankyou so much.xx