View Full Version : Skipped beats when trying to sleep.

11-10-2009, 01:24 AM
I hate this symptom most because it scares me. Whenever I'm trying to sleep or I am drifting off my heart feels like it stops then it beats really hard. It feels weird in my chest and its annoying. I've been to the dr numerous times and they said everything is normal, so I guess its okay. I just wish it wouldn't happen anymore.

11-10-2009, 01:40 PM
yea that happened to me too! also the part where i jolt awake cause i felt like i wasnt breathing! anxiety sucks

11-12-2009, 06:15 AM
Just recently i stumbled into the topic of Adrenal glands which can have a very negative affect on the heart rate when suffering from stress/anxiety. I'm looking into this as a sufferer of de-realisation at present but i also understand this maybe linked to your issues, it maybe worth reading into.

Also another thing that helps your heart out is Magnesium which can be bought from vitamin stores.

I'm taking liquorice root which is supposed to help the adrenal glands recover just incase this is something you decide to persue.

good luck