View Full Version : panic attacks and social agor not sure why.....

11-10-2009, 12:46 AM
Hey everyone i have been reading most of the posts in this forum and they all seem very helpful but at the same time confusing. I recently went on a trip to a convention to sydney and had maybe 4 or 5 drinks at casino then came back to hotel woke the next morning and went for a workout and swim felt a little weird and hungover but got dressed and went to the brekky they put on. It was big crowd i sat at the table and had huge hot flush then mad chest pain left the table and went outside for fresh air treid again to seat myself but same thing happend had diarheoa and went back to room took panadol and stuff and calmed down. Later that day treid to go dinner at ballroom huge panic feeling overwhelmed and chest pain again ended up going to st vincents hospital like i was having a heart attack they found nothing so i came home had more heart test all said nothing had they said maybe panic attacks and anxiety. started one anti depresant was so sick on lounge for 8 days started avanza now not sick but feel anxious all the time especially at work .Had never had previous stuff like this happen to me before now i am dreading anything social work is a huge effort my freinds wedding is in 5 months and i honestly feel like i couldnt go . Have started counselling doing breathing thing but does not take away sickly anxious feeling and have sore area from left ribs to back area just above kidneys and dont know why any one who has this or has experienced this painlet me jnoe. Has any one had hypnosis yet i figure if can remove sydney trip from brain will alll this end .
Thanks for reading this and any help welcomed......

11-12-2009, 10:43 PM
Do you exercise? How about your diet?