View Full Version : A WRECK ALL THE TIME

11-09-2009, 06:41 PM
Hi All,

I've been told by two doctors and a neurologist that i am suffering from GAD. My symptoms are always with me and have been for 5 weeks. At the moment I have random 'muscle spasams' that only last a second, but are keeping me awake and appear all the time at different parts of the body.

Does this happen to anyone else???

I also feel like im in a daze constantly, unable to concentrate and very depressed (spaced out).

My neurologist adviced me to get a MRI next week, (which i am to help get rid of those uncertainties) but i'm very worried constantly and every new feeling or sensation sets me off in a panic.

Anyone have any advice or words of wisdom??

I would really appreciate it. I'm always thinking i'm the only one that feels this way all the time and no one understands. My wife has been supportive and patient, but i'm stressing about how i'm effecting her.

My symptoms have included -

Muscle spasams; twitching; tension in neck/back of head; numbness; burning sensations; tight throat; light headedness; spaced out feeling; constant worry; shallow breathing.

This all began whilst Overseas 2 weeks in to a 3 week journey. I was in a 3rd world country seeing some pretty sad things.

I freak myself out when i 'Dr Goggle'. Even when i feel calm and collected, laying in bed my spasams just keep going in various muscles. I find it hard to believe anxiety can do this and i'm sick of it.

Could hypervigilance be a problem? I worry about any movement.

Sorry about the rant, but i'm tied of it.

Any responses would be great.

11-10-2009, 03:33 PM
GAD is not typically brought on by an experience such as that, although it is a state of constant worry. Check out the DSM-IV criteria for GAD here:

See if those symptoms fit you, or if they don't yet, see if they soon will. I am suspecting that you might have some PTSD stuff going on. PTSD can be brought on by seeing something traumatic happening, and it could have been brought on by what you saw in that 3rd world country. What exactly did you see there?

The DSM-IV criteria for PTSD can be found here:
http://pn.psychiatryonline.org/cgi/cont ... 37/20/25-a (http://pn.psychiatryonline.org/cgi/content/full/37/20/25-a)

What makes me suspect this is the sad things you saw and then your mention of "hypervigilance" which is a marker for PTSD. See which of these your symptoms fit better and let me know if I can be of further help! Remember, the point of identifying your condition is to open the door to recovery, not to label you as mentally diseased. Life can and will get better, especially once you understand what is going on. Hope this helps and let me know if I can help you!

11-11-2009, 08:57 AM
I agree, sounds like PTSD which can turn into all kinds of anxiety issues may not even be related to what you saw or experienced.