View Full Version : son always feeling sick

11-06-2009, 11:06 AM
hi, my son has general anxiety disorder, my question is does any one else have this symptom, he wakes up feeling sick every day and mentions it on and off all day, i give him settlers and such to try and help him but nothing works, he's had tests and they can't find a reason for it, he is getting phsycotherapy (sorry about the spelling!) to try and help him cope but it's like a physical illness, his tummy sounds upset, makes noise , he has to burp alot and he has heartburn....can this all be anxiety related? he's 13.


11-06-2009, 12:47 PM
Hi there, one of my symptoms was the general butterfly in the stomach feeling that im sure 99 percent of sufferers will have had that can become so overwhelming that you do feel like you will vomit. im no doctor of course but it does sound like a symptom of his anxiety. You say its in the morning, usually before school?? the main cause of my anxiety is before i went to work, and i did feel sick to the point where i couldnt leave the house,even though i had no reason to feel it, could be a similair thing hes experiencing? hope this helps and your son is ok :)

11-08-2009, 12:41 PM
I have the same problems iv found it helpful if you don't eat a few hours before going to sleep and maybe eat a tum before going to sleep it helped me out a lot

"today is the tommorrow that we worried about yesterday"

11-09-2009, 02:39 PM
yes! I am 22 years old, and female. I was only diagnosed with an anxiety disorder when I was about 18, but I know I have been struggling with it for a lot longer than that.
I too wake up most mornings with nausea, sometimes to the point of vomitting. However, I am not anxious about school (college), nor am I anxious about anything else involved in my days that would set this off. I do get bad anxiety but its more to do with small spaces, packed rooms, too much talking at once, heavy workloads, too much to do, etc.
I have a very nervous stomach that gets a sick butterfly like feeling off and on throughout the day especially if I get nervous for any particular reason.
I have been on and off of stomach ulcer pills, acid reflux pills, and other anxiety medications, and none of it has seemed to work for my poor tummy. I do find that if I dont eat late, and have a couple crackers by my bed in the morning and eat them before I actually get up, it does help.

Please let me know if you find any other information on this, or any cures! Its such a terrible feeling, I hope your son grows out of it! Good luck!